Drive ins and stolen moments

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Brantley POV

Ever since the radio segment I had been a ball full of nerves, and I swear I had smoked maybe a full pack of smokes in a few hours, and knew I was driving PJ more crazy than I normally do. I had him go rent me a truck for the day, then try and figure out where the hell the closest drive in theater was. I could tell Raegan wasn't the wine and dining type, I could tell she was a simple girl, cause if she was into the whole upscale life like Jana and Amber were, she would be driving some German piece of shit Mercedes or Audi, not a brand new Mustang GT, definitely my kind of girl. Once PJ located a drive in, which was about an hour away in Paris, we grabbed some pillows and blankets from the bus and threw them into the backseat of the truck, I told him to sit this one out on the bus, he could hang with Forrest tonight and to not wait around for me, I think he was happy to get a night off.

I pulled up to Raegan's house ant 6:55, it was a nice little bungalow, looked to be pretty close to UK's campus judging by how many college kids seemed to be around when I was coming in. I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, my palms were sweaty, almost like I was seventeen again picking Katie up for homecoming dance. She opened the door fidgeting with an earring, and she took my breath away. Her little black sundress looked amazing on her. She grabbed her jean jacket from the hook, closed the door and locked up, I helped her into the truck and we headed out toward I-75. "So, where are we going?" She asked. "It's a surprise" I told her.

We got to Paris, and I spotted a KFC and pulled in the lot "is this ok? I wanted to pick up something we can take and just have a quiet dinner somewhere just the two of us." I asked. "It's perfect, as long as you get the Mac and cheese" she replied. "A girl after my own heart."  I pulled into the drive in, praying that this was okay for our first date. If we were back in Georgia I probably would have gotten some food together and took her out to Pott's Farm by the lake and we would have ate dinner and laid in the bed of my truck under the stars, but we are in her neck of the woods, and I wanted to show her a good time. I parked the truck out on the back row and got out and put the blankets and pillows in the truck bed and sat the food down in the middle, then helped her up in the truck bed.

"I hope this is ok and not too cheesy" I told her.
"It's perfect. I haven't been here since I was a little girl. My Dad used to take me here all the time before he passed away." She replied, her eyes getting misty. Now I felt bad, but I didn't know about her Dad.
"I'm so sorry, we can go if you want. I didn't know about him."
"No, no, it's ok. It's good I'm here. It makes me feel closer to him, he would have loved you. He's the reason I got into radio and love music, he taught me how to play guitar and piano. This was our little escape from all the madness in the entertainment world after my mom split when I was young." She replied taking a bite of Mac and cheese. "You know, he would do the same thing, load up at KFC, park in the back row, throw a blanket and pillows in the bed of his old Dodge Ram and we'd be here til about one o'clock in the morning."
"He was in music?"
"Yeah, he  played in John Michael and Eddie's family band before they went off and started their own careers. He was their guitar player. They were out one night playing the local circuit, tour bus crashed due to black ice up in West Virginia just outside Ashland. He was the only one who passed. I was sixteen. After that I stayed with my Grandma til I went to UK, she passed just after graduation from high school.  He wouldn't let me go that weekend because I had a huge test to study for." 
"I'm so sorry baby" I replied pulling her close hugging her then kissing her forehead.
"It's ok. I know he'd have liked you. You play music, ride Harley's like he did. Y'all are a lot alike in some ways."  I started to understand why I felt a connection with her, she grew up in this world, she knew how it worked, how demanding it is, and she still works in it to a degree to feel close to her dad.

We finished eating then laid in the bed of the truck and watched the movie, honestly I couldn't even tell you what it was about, thankfully it wasn't a chick flick. I loved lying here in the bed of the truck with her head on my shoulder, absentmindedly playing with her hair, it felt like home. I looked over at her, and saw she had fallen asleep, she looked like an angel. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I pulled it out to see who it was and it was Kolby.
K: Hey, B how's it going with the girl? See her yet?
B: Yeah, here with her now. I snapped a pic of her curled up next to me sleeping and sent it to him.
K: uh oh, get it bro! Oh, can I borrow $100? I need some blades for my mower for a job tomorrow.
B: are you actually getting up and going to work?  Or do you need it to take a girl out? 
K:  really B?  All because I took money from your stash one time to take a girl out you think that every time I ask? 
B: yeah, bro really. Smdh.
K:  I really need it for Work.
B:  fine, but I'm calling your lazy ass at 8 to get you up to go to work.
K:  thanks asshole.
My little brother is so lazy. He opened his own lawn care company and won't get up and work before eleven to make money and he expects me to buy his blades and stuff. It's funny, I actually talked about his shenanigans and getting my stash of cash out and buying his blades and taking girls out in a VIP session not long ago.

I felt Raegan start to stir around, I looked down at her as her eyes fluttered open. She smiled sweetly at me, and I swear it was like time stood still. I leaned over, put my finger under her chin and tilted her face up toward me. My lips met hers, I nipped at her bottom lip asking for entrance, she moaned and I slipped my tongue in, she was heaven on earth. I slipped my hand behind her neck pulling her closer, but it wasn't enough I wanted to be as close to her as possible, but I also wanted to do this right and take things slow with her. We both broke the kiss, unable to breathe steadily and laid our forehead against each other looking into each other's eyes. She rested her hand on the side of my face and kissed me once more.

After the movie was over we headed back to her house, I didn't want the night to end, but we was heading back to Georgia in the morning. "You sure you have to go B?  I don't want you to" she pouted as I walked her to the door. "Yeah, baby I do, we are gonna be in the studio tomorrow recording, then later this week we have to go do another radio interview."  I replied. "How bout you come down to Georgia next week?" I asked, it was out before I knew it. "I'd like that. I actually have some vacation time saved up, I'll run it by my boss and let you know this week."  She replied. "Night baby girl, I'll talk to you tomorrow" I told her, leaning in for a kiss. "Night B" she whispered and hugged me tightly like she didn't want to let go. I watched to make sure she got in all right before I pulled out the drive, then it hit me, I love this girl...she's the one. 

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