Football games and tailgate parties

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I woke up tangled up in a mix of legs, arms, and sheets. I saw my ring sparkling in the morning light and I'll smile  crept up the corners. I couldn't believe that what started as a random one night stand evolved into me engaged to the man almost every bad boy living woman wanted.

My bladder was screaming at me to get up, but trying to untie myself from his arms legs was a workout in itself. Once I was free I made it to the bathroom just in time, then I brushed my teeth, and washed my face, and brushed the rat's nest that had taken up residence on thr top of my head. "Wild night?" A husky voice asked as he came up and wrapped his arms around me.
"You ought to know, you were there" I replied. Kissing me on the top of the head he went around me and over to the toilet, I walked out to give him some privacy while I sat out a pair of distressed Hudson jeans, black booties, and a grey sweater, it was October here in Kentucky, so it was chilly out. I had managed to get passes to the UK/GA football game later this afternoon and didn't tell Brantley about it.  I didn't have a clue about football, but I know how much he loved it. I was pulling my sweater down as he walked out of the bathroom looking so adorable, half asleep.

"Going somewhere?"  He asked as he flopped back down on the bed.

"We are, here in a bit, so get dressed. I have to finish up then we can leave."  Raising an eyebrow he looked at me all confused. "Don't worry, it's a surprise. And you'll love it!"  He waited up and swatted me on the butt as I turned and walked into the bathroom. I curled my hair and did my makeup, spraying my Jimmy Choo perfume behind my ears and on my wrists. "You look amazing" Brantley said as I walked out of the bathroom. "You're not so bad yourself outlaw" I replied. He stood there black jeans, black hoodie, chains, rings. And backwards hat. The backwards hat was my weakness.

"So, you gonna tell me where we are going?"  He asked pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around my waist. He moved my hair from my neck and leaned down pressing featgrlight kisses behind my ear, igniting a fire within me again. "Nope.  It's a surprise" I meweled.

"Sure? Cause you know how I feel about surprises" he replied kissing me over and over in an attempt to coerce me into telling him. I was lost in ecstacy, when my phone beeped with a text message. I begrudgingly peeled away when it beeped again. It was Madison from the station letting me know that everything was good to go for the game. "C'mon outlaw we are gonna be late" I quipped as I grabbed my leather jacket from the closet and threw my purse over my shoulder. I tossed him the keys to the Mustang, "remember how to drive a stick?"

Raising an eyebrow and cocking his head to the side "muscle memory baby." He grabbed my hand and led me out to the car stopping to lock the door. He opened my car door so I could get in the shut it behind me. Hopping in the driver's side he shut the door to the car then started it. I punched the directions into Kroger Field so I wouldn't have to direct him. I didn't live that far from it. But, I suck at directions and it was just easier to let him get annoyed at GPS than me telling him to turn at the last minute.  "Just go in where the busses are" I told him when we got close. 

Once he saw the tailgate parties I think it clicked. "A UK game?  Babe I love you, but I'm not switching sides" he proclaimed as he put the car in park. "Babe, is UK against GA." Pulling me in for a kiss he asked "this game is sold out. How did you?"

I pulled out my press badge then handed him a talent badge "perks of the job. But I am gonna need one favor.  Sing the anthem? Cause I kinda already told them you would."  A smile crept across his face, "okay" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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