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Brantley POV

Six months, it's been six months since I have seen her. She has me feeling all kinds of ways, and I can't get her out of my mind.  I wrote Let it Ride after that night we spent together, I had to convince Scott to release it as an EP without even having an album out. Then I made damn sure that Rich sent it to her station first before anyone to be played, and I had him put me in the line up at RWB. I have no clue what been up with me and why I don't just find my balls and call her.

"Hey Boss, What's up with you lately?  You aren't you. Ever since you released Let it Ride you've been extra brooding" PJ stated as he walked in the writing room of the house.

"Fuck you PJ!  You don't know what your talking about!"  I growled as I chucked my water bottle at his head causing him to duck.

"See!  Thats what I'm talking about!  It wouldn't have nothing to do with a short little brunette I saw you carrying over your shoulder to the bus back in Lexington oh about six months ago would it?" He asked smugly.

"I don't know what you're talking about."  I replied staring back down at my notebook as I scribbled some lyrics down.

"You know Boss, you do have a radio tour scheduled over the next couple weeks, and we are making a couple stops in KY" he replied casually causing me to look up from writing. This had to be a new thing because it wasn't on my schedule last week.

"We do, do we?  News to me."

"Yeah, Rich sent over the itinerary this morning. Evidently Let it Ride got great reception and is the most requested song on radio right now. We have WAMZ and The Bull in KY next week, as well at fifteen other cities before the RWB in September." He replied taking a gulp of water.  "Oh and we are slated to be on midday at the Bull with what's her name? Raegan?  That's it."  Asshole, I think he did this on purpose. PJ can find out anything, the man should have worked for the FBI with his connections. 

"Yeah, man that's her. And before you even ask, yes, the song is about her. I can't get her out of my damn head and I only met her twice!"  He had a smug ass look on his face, I knew he was up to or had been up to something. He got up, and tossed a piece of paper onto the table, and walked out. I waited until I heard the front door close before I opened it up. Raegan Summers 859-434-1689 it read. Hmm, I thought, I guess he gave me her office number. I pulled my phone from my pocket, pulled up White Pages and did a reverse number search, no listings found it read. My phone dinged with a incoming text from PJ that read: "that's her cell number, Boss, and you're welcome."  I shook my head and typed a reply back that read: 10-4 👍.

I heard a loud knock on the door and then heavy footsteps plodding on the floor, "Yo, B where are you at dickhead?" Kolby.

"Writing room, asshole!" I called out as I stared at the paper in my hand debating on whether or not I should call Raegan, I would see her next week anyhow. Kolby walked in, looking like he was about to blow his top. My brother never gets angry, he is usually pretty laid back, never really looking for a fight. "Who's got you all pissed off bro?" I asked him.

"Fuckin Katie man, I went over to pick her up before I headed out to the field, I was in the new truck she hadn't seen it yet so she didn't know it was me about to pull in her drive. Well there she was standing next to some dudes car with her tongue down his throat. I pull in, jump out the truck and beat his ass, all while she is screaming at me to stop. Two years man, two years and she goes and cheats with some country club pretty boy from Atlanta!" 

"That's deep man. I'm sorry. But you know the best way to get over someone is to get under them."  I replied. Usually I'd be a little more talkative about it with him, but my mind was on a hot brunette that rocked my wold six months ago.

"Really, B?  I mean not that I would disagree with you, but I was gonna propose!  And what's that?"  He asked taking the paper from my hand. "Who's Raegan?  She the girl that the song is about?  I thought that was Jana"

"Fuck no, it's not about that snobby bitch!  Yes, it's about Raegan. She's the girl from Lexington six months ago. PJ tracked her down and I got a radio tour next week and am slated to play at RWB in September."  I replied taking the number back from him. 

"C'mon man, we both need to blow some steam off. Get suited up, we'll go knock some balls around."  He replied standing up. I went and changed, then we headed to the softball field. 

Three hours later, I pulled back into the driveway. I went in, took a shower, grabbed left over Mac and cheese Mama had sent over from Sunday dinner and heated it up in the microwave. I sat down at the bar and pulled out my phone. Still debating on whether or not to call her or just wait til I saw her next week. Screw it I said to myself. Unlocking my phone, I dialed the number after the third ring, "Hello?"

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