Meeting the family

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BANG BANG BANG stirred me out of my deep sleep. I tried to sit up to go see what the heck was going on, but I was immediately pulled back down by a very large and tattooed arm belonging to Brantley. Bang bang bang person at the door went again. I shook Brantley he wasn't waking up. "B, someone is at the door, they won't quit banging on it!"  I cooed in his ear. "Fuck them, they will leave, they are just mad I locked it since I normally don't. Now get over here, I wanna cuddle and go back to sleep." He replied pulling me closer to him.  The incessant banging wouldn't stop. A low deep growl came from his mouth as he rolled over and grabbed his .45 Kimber from the nightstand drawer sitting it on top then getting a fresh pair of boxers from the drawer and tossing me a black t-shirt. "Here, put this on, whoever it is isn't leaving and I don't want them to see you naked." I giggled, "Yes, Boss." Which caused him to smirk.

I heard him grumbling as he stalked out the door then down the stairs.  I threw his shirt over my head and quietly tip tied down the stairs as he threw open the door drawing his pistol. "Whoa bro, chill!" a tall guy with a ball cap on exclaimed. Brantley put the pistol on the table next to the door.

"Kolby, what the hell is so important that you had to damn near beat my door down? You ever think I may be busy, asshole?" Brantley remarked as I sneaked up beside him.

Kolby raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. "Sorry bro, I can see you are a bit busy, I didn't know you had company."  I extended my hand "I'm Raegan, you must be the little brother." I knew I was baiting him, but hey,  gotta have fun right?

"Darlin, there ain't nothing little about me" he replied smiling.  A deep growl came from clenched teeth "Don't even think about it dickhead, she's taken."  "I don't see a ring there on that hand" Kolby retorted, which earned him a slap upside the head "ok ok, point taken asshole. Geez, can't even mess with you!  Anyway, I came by to see if you wanted to go hit some balls over at the field." 

"Not today bro, gonna take Rae out.  She not here but for a few day, and I wanna spend some time with her. "  He nodded and said his goodbyes and headed down the steps and to his truck.

I was in the kitchen whipping up omelets when I felt strong arms snake around me and his hand moving my hair from my neck and his beard tickle my skin sending chills down my spine. "B, I'm trying to not burn breakfast" I replied as I turned around and linked my arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his perfect lips. "Ok fine, I'm gonna take a shower" he pouted then slapped me on the butt causing me to squeak.

Fifteen minutes later I was setting the plates down on the bar when I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. There he was dressed in black Jean's, riding boots, black shirt, his cutte, and that damn backwards hat; I swear I felt my underwear go wet and if on queue. "Smells good babe, hope you brought clothes for a ride." He said taking a bite of breakfast.  "I've got everything but boots." I replied. "As long as you don't plan on riding in flip flops we are good" he exclaimed.

We finished eating, then I went upstairs and changed into a pair of jeans, my black "whiskey bent and hellbound" shirt, and I pulled on my timberland hiking boots I brought, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. As I was finishing up getting dressed Brantley came in holding up his leather jacket "What's that for?" I asked. He draped it as round my shoulders. "Dont think I'd let my girl ride without proper gear do you?" Giving me that infamous smirk. 

Twenty minutes later we were out on some back country road. I loved being on the back of a bike, more so holding onto the man of my dreams. Next tjj g I knew we were pulling into the driveway of little white house. A short blonde woman was sitting on the porch swing. He killed the engine and he looked back at me and said, "someone I want you to meet."  I knew oi t was his mama from pictures  I'd seen, but that didn't make me any less nervous. I just hoped she liked me.

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