Heaven Sent

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Raegan's POV

When we pulled into the drive-in, the very one Dad took me to as a kid, I felt my heart start pounding like it was going to beat out of my chest. I hadn't been there since before he was killed, anytime a guy mentioned taking me there I made up some excuse, that was our place.  But being there tonight with Brantley, I felt close to Dad, almost like he sent Brantley to me, I know he's d like B.

Dad was the whole reason I went into radio, I've never been a good singer, everyone else says I am great, I think I sound like Fran Drescher when I sing, but I can play piano and guitar, Dad taught me as a kid, I was playing piano before I was potty trained or that's the story anyhow. Guitar, I learned when I was out on the road with Dad and the band, he was in John Michael's family band, until the day he died. The bus his a patch of black ice coming back from a show in West Virginia, he didn't want me to go because I had a huge test to study for, so I stayed with Nana. I'll never forget that phone call from UK medical center. Dad had been statflighted with critical injuries, he had coded twice enroute, when we got there at four in the morning we were able to see him, he passed when Nana and I were holding his hands. Dad lived on, he saved four people's lives through organ donation, one a two year old boy who needed a liver.

The whole date was perfect, I couldn't have asked for a better first date. I had also never been so comfortable with someone that I fell asleep in their arms so soon. There was just something about Brantley, not to mention the one time we had sex it was utterly mind blowing. When Brantley dropped me off, I admit, I did try and get him to stay, but he had to leave to go back to Georgia in the morning.

"How bout you come down to Georgia next week?" Brantley asked. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here I didn't think I would see him before RWB in September.

"I'd like that. I actually have some vacation time saved up, I'll run it by my boss and let you know this week" I replied.

Night baby girl, I'll talk to you tomorrow" he uttered leaning in for a kiss.

"Night B" I whispered and hugged him tightly. I really didn't want to let go. He kissed me once more, gave my hand a squeeze then headed back to the truck. I unlocked my door and walked inside, waving to him once more before shutting the door. 

Once I changed into a pair of shorts and a oversized tee I texted Brantley to tell him goodnight then I called Sara to tell her about our date. She immediately told me that if I didn't go to Georgia next week, she was going in my place. Which that made me chuckle, but she was serious. "If Kolby is single I could just hook up with him" she remarked.
"I'm not sure if he is or not" I replied.
"Well, dammit find out Rae!  I'm on a serious drought here, my BOB needs new batteries almost weekly" Sara exclaimed causing me to spit out my Big Red all over the floor, thankfully I had hardwood.
"Weekly?  Damn girl that's some serious BOB action" I retorted. My phone beeped letting me know I had a text, it was from Brantley.
B:  Goodnight beautiful. Sweet dreams, miss you already.
R:  Miss you too, B.

I fell asleep watching Sons of Anarchy and woke up with a horribly stiff neck. I went to the gym before I had to be in at work and did a yoga class in hopes it'd help my sore neck. We had our weekly meeting at work, the segment Brantley was on had gotten the highest reviews we had in a long time. I got my time off approved, I hadn't taken a vacation since I started at the station four years ago, so needless to say, I have some serious time off saved up. He told me to take two weeks off, so my vacation technically starts on Saturday.

After work I picked up Sara and we hit the mall, she basically informed me I needed a whole new wardrobe, which I knew I didn't. I did spring for all new lingerie, a couple bikinis, some sundresses, and she talked me into a couple pair of Daisy's since B does love them, the rest I ordered off Amazon, thank God above for prime now!  We had dinner at Banners, shot some pool and had a could margaritas. I didn't really drink unless I needed to unwind, I had been thinking about Dad a lot more, especially since our date last night. Sara could tell what was bothering me, we had been practically inseparable since we met, when my mom split and Dad died she was what kept me together, then when Nana died she was all I had left.
"You're thinking about him aren't you?" She asked as she sank a solid into the pocket.
"Thinking about who?" I asked, admittedly I was zoning out.
"Brantley you dingbat"
"Yeah, and Dad too. They are a lot alike."  I responded, sinking my ball into the corner pocket.
"He'd like him you know.  I can tell from his music that he's real, raw, and a straight shooter.  Just like your dad, plus he's a biker, just like he was.  Now, I'd love to meet the man who has had you so twisted up inside and the man you have held out hope for. Also, you have turned down more dates than any woman should have since that night six months ago, I was beginning to think you switched teams" she quipped.
"I'm strictly dickly,  I'd never start batting for the other team. And you'll meet him, I may even arrange a meeting for you and Kolby, but he likes em older, I don't know how he will do with someone younger than him. But I just couldn't go out with anyone, I just felt a connection to Brantley when I first met him, then after that night it's hard to explain, the sex was mind blowing, but we connected on a level I'd never connected with anyone before. Not even Jacob, and you know how I loved him."  I admitted.  When I knew I was okay to drive and not buzzing too bad I told Sara I was leaving, of course she pouted and wanted me to stay, but I just wanted to leave and call Brantley and fall asleep on the phone with him.

I called PJ once I was out of the parking lot.
PJ:  hello?
R:  PJ!  What's my favorite security/PI up to? 
PJ:  wildcat?  Is that you? 
R:  it is, but what we talk about, you gotta keep this on the DL, No one and I mean NO ONE can know we talked.
PJ:  what's with all the secrets girl?  You got something set up like they just slap cuffs on you?
R:  I gotta couple weeks off starting Saturday and I'm flying down and wanna surprise B. Can you help me out? 
PJ:  help you out?  Girl I'll send a plane for you!  I'll get you from the airport Boss won't know what hit him. You let PJ take care of you! The last text caused me to giggle, but I knew what PJ meant he would handle all the specifics. He is the reason Brantley and I are talking after six months, the man used his FBI ninja skills in tracking me down enough to get my cell number. He could have added me on Facebook or something...wait Brantley don't even know how to work his band page's Facebook so that'd be out of the question.
R:  ok fine OBG you twisted my arm. Email me the details.
PJ:  I'd still like to know how you found out about that, wildcat. But I'll send you the details, just be ready Saturday morning, I'll have a car to come pick you up, I'll send you times her later.
R:  maybe I'll tell you...one day. Sounds good OBG. See you then.

Two days. Two very long, tortuous day is what is separating me from seeing the most amazing man I've ever met.  Sara and I went out for dinner after shopping. "Where do you want to eat at? I'm starving" she asked. "Olive Garden is fine" I responded. We went to Olive Garden and ate dinner, I was hungrier than what I thought, my head hasn't been on straight since that phone call the other day when I heard his voice for the first time in six months, then I literally ran into a very hard muscular brick wall that was Brantley at work, that screwed with my head even more.

When we went out last night, everything was put into perspective for me. The connection I felt that night we spent together was solidified more, I could tell he felt something as well. Knowing how he has a fear of snakes, sharks, and commitment, I am praying to the biker gods and God above we can work through that commitment fear he has.

My phone dinged letting me know I had an email during the middle of dinner, I checked it and it was from PJ. I read it, my jaw hit the table. "What?  What is it Rae?" Sara asked. "It's an email from PJ, Brantley's head of security." I managed to enunciate. "Well, spill woman. Don't leave me in suspense." 

Raegan, here is the details for your trip. There will be a private jet waiting for you at Bluegrass Intl Airport on Saturday at 11:00 am. I'm sending a car to your house to pick you up and take you to the airport. Boss doesn't know anything about this. If you have paid for a ticket, cancel it? I'm refusing to let you spend a dime of your money, and I will pay your cancellation fees if any. I will meet you at the hangar in Atlanta when the flight arrives. Anything you want to eat or drink on the flight is yours. And don't you dare try and argue with me Wildcat, you know by now it don't work. See you Friday.
Sara was speechless. I couldn't believe what I just read, a car, private plane, holy hell. PJ is pulling out all the stops. "So, let me get this straight, you get a private jet, car service, all the food and drinks you want, AND country's bad boy?  Where the hell did I go wrong in life?" She giggled.

"You're just in the wrong line of work. You don't get much action as a administrative assistant to some weird scientist."

"So hook me up with tall dark and sexy Kolby!  I need me a country boy, and not these hickabillies."  We both laughed so hard at that we were crying. "I'll see what I can do."  I told her.  We finished our dinner then said our goodbyes.

I decided to go visit my daddy. I noticed something different on his gravestone, it was a guitar pick. Not out of the ordinary since musicians who knew him or heard of him come visit. When I flipped it over that's when it hit me, Brantley had been here, it was his pick that had his logo on it, and he left a challenge coin from Man O' War Harley-Davidson. Tears began to flow. I wasn't sure how to process everything, my feelings for him, how I told him about Daddy when I never told anyone about him, and most of all how he went to visit him.
I felt it more now, that Daddy had sent him to me.

When I got home I started packing. I didn't have to work tomorrow, but I had errands I needed to run, I had a hair appointment and a nail salon appointment. I'm not very high maintenance, but I do like a pedicure and my nails done, I'm still a country girl to the core. Brantley called, I didn't tell him what PJ and I were up to.  I did mention to him I saw what he left at Daddy's grave. He told me it was something he had to do, to go visit him. We talked for a bit longer before we said goodnight. Two more days and I'd see my outlaw again.

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