Are You Okay?

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Jessica stared wide eyed at Dr. Porter then she smiled and chuckled. "You're pulling my leg, right? That is not possible!"
Dr. Porter sat down on his chair in front of Jessica and said. "I'm not pulling your leg. You are one hundred perfect pregnant. I would say, you are around seven to eight weeks."

Jessica stopped smiling then her mind began to race.

"But...but, Neil, I'm fifty years old! How is this possible?" Jessica asked in confusion.
"Being pregnant at fifty is very rare but not uncommon. However, you will be the first in our town to be going through a pregnancy at such a late age. That is, if you and Phillip do chose to keep the baby. If you decide to keep the baby, then I will keep an extra eye on the both of you and if not then we can terminate."
Jessica sighed and said. "We're catholic remember. Phillip and his family wouldn't allow a termination. Unless Phillip throws all his morals he grew up with out the window. Oh...I don't know what to do!"

Dr. Porter gently put his hand on Jessica's. She was beginning to panic and he wanted to comfort her. Jessica relaxed a little and looked at Dr. Porter.

"Jessica...go home and talk to your husband. In the end it'll be both of your decision." Dr. Porter said. "For now, I will give you a prescription for prenatal vitamins and some anti nausea medication. I want you to take them until you and Phillip make a decision. On your next appointment which will be the Monday after thanksgiving, is when I need to know your decision."

Jessica nodded then thanked Dr. Porter. He left the room so she could get dressed then he walked next door to the pharmacy to get her prescription for her. He thought it best to get them for Jessica so the pharmacist, Mr. Clark didn't go spreading the news of Mrs. Anderson's condition.

The unfortunate downside of the town was that everyone knew everything about everyone else. Nothing was a secret. The only persons that could be trusted was Jessica and Sarah. Sure they talked about everyone else when a new rumor would reach their quit town but they never went around spreading any rumors.

Dr. Porter got the prescription then walked back to the exam room where Jessica now waited for his return.

"Here you go, Jessica." Dr. Porter said. "Now, take these until you make your decision. Then when I see you again, we'll discuss the next steps."
"Thank you Neil. Happy thanksgiving and see you soon." Jessica said.
"Happy thanksgiving." Dr. Porter said then walked Jessica out.

Jessica got into her car and sat there for a few minutes. She needed to wrap her mind around this news. Was she happy? Was she excited? Could she be excited and happy? Will her children be happy for her? Will Phillip be happy about having a new child to welcome into the world? Would he be angry?

Jessica was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a knock on her window. She looked up and saw her daughter in law.

Jessica rolled down the window and said. "Hi Shannon. Oh, get in. It's cold outside."
Shannon got into the passenger seat and reached over to hug her mother in law. "Hi Jessie. I just came to check on you. I saw you from across the street and you've been sitting here for a long time."

Shannon was a hair stylist and worked at the beauty salon that is right across from Dr. Porter's offices.

"I'm fine. I've just been feeling tired and I was coming down with something." Jessica said. "But I just saw Dr. Porter and he gave me some medicine. I just needed a few minutes before I went home."
"Aw, Jessica, I'm sorry you're not feeling well." Shannon said. "How about I pick something up for dinner tonight? You won't have to cook."

Jessica closed her eyes and sighed silently. She forgot that today was Friday; every Friday, Rick and Shannon would join Jessica, Phillip and Karen for dinner. They would have fish for dinner with sides and dessert. All cooked by Jessica of course. But since she's been feeling sick, she forgot to buy the fish for tonight's dinner.

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