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"No! This can't be happening!" Jessica sobbed as she held her belly.

Abigail had just hung up the phone with 911 and she rushed back to her mother.

"Mom, what's going on?" Abigail asked worriedly. Then Abigail looked at the puddle of water.
"My water broke!" Jessica said. "I can't have this baby yet. It's too early!"
"Mom, please calm down." Abigail said as she held her mother's hand. "It's going to be okay."

Jessica managed to sit up and lean against the bed. She breathed in and out through her contractions. She prayed that her baby would be okay.

A moment later, Shannon walked through the bedroom door. It was around the time that she usually came over to check on Jessica. Her eyes went wide as she saw Jessica sobbing on the floor, Phillip sulking in the corner of the room and Abigail trying to calm Jessica down.

"What's going on?" Shannon asked in a panic as she rushed over to Jessica.
"Mom's water broke." Abigail said in shaky voice, tears rolling down her cheeks. "The ambulance is on its way."
"Oh my goodness." Shannon said worriedly.

Both Shannon and Abigail stayed by Jessica's side, both trying to calm her down and just gave their support to her.

"When you Sarah!" Jessica said to Shannon. "I need her by my side."
"Of course." Shannon said with a nod.

The paramedics finally arrived fifteen minutes later and checked Jessica over.

"Mrs. Anderson, we understand that you are eight months pregnant, but, your water broke and it's too late to try to stop the contractions." One paramedic said. "You are five centimeters dilated. This baby is coming."

Jessica just sobbed; she didn't want this to happen. Her baby would be one month early and she knew there was a risk to her baby's health. But, she had no choice at this point.

She looked at Phillip with so much anger and rage but she was unable to voice her feelings towards him at the moment. She closed her eyes and calmed herself down. She needed to concentrate on her baby now.

"I'm going to ride with my mother." Abigail told the paramedic as they wheeled Jessica on a stretcher out of the room. "Shannon, would you meet us at the hospital?" She asked Shannon.
"Yes. I'll be there shortly." Shannon replied. "I'm going to call Rick and Sarah then I'll be on my way."

Before leaving the room, Abigail turned to her father and said. "You better hope that mom's baby is okay. If he or she is not, then I will make sure you pay for hurting Mom and the baby!"

Phillip didn't even look at his daughter or reply. He just hung his head low in shame.

Abigail shook her head when Phillip didn't say anything. She just grabbed her purse and rushed outside to the ambulance.

Shannon was confused as to why Abigail threatened Phillip. She still didn't know what had happened and at the moment she couldn't worry about that.

She made her phone calls to Rick then Sarah. After that, Shannon made her way out of the house and she got into her car then she drove straight to the hospital. Rick said he would meet her there.

Sarah was at the library when Shannon called. She was in a panic and she quickly called Evan to let him know what was going on and that she would be by Jessica's side at the hospital. Sarah then called Danny. She was sure Jessica would want Danny by her side in a moment like this.

When Jessica arrived at the hospital, they took her straight into a hospital room that was already set up for her.

Dr. Porter had ordered to have the room ready and he rushed from his office to the hospital as soon as he heard Jessica was in labor.

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