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*1 Year Later*

Jessica woke up in her husband's arms. She smiled as she felt the rise and fall of chest. She hugged him a little tighter, wanting to relish the feeling of having his body next to hers.

Two months after Lillian's birth, Jessica was finally free from Phillip. Usually a divorce would take much longer to complete, however with Abigail's help, the divorce process was much faster.

Also it helped that Phillip didn't even put up a fight. He just wanted to go his own way and be done with Jessica and her child.

Jessica and Danny got married when Lillian was three months old. They didn't want to wait any longer. They have now been married for the past nine months.

Her moment with her husband was cut short however when she heard Lillian's babbling coming from the baby monitor.

She smiled and turned over to turn down the monitor so it wouldn't wake Danny.

She slipped out of bed and pulled on her robe. She walked across to her daughters nursery and said. "Is the birthday girl awake?"

Lillian was lying on her back and playing with a toy that was in her crib. When she heard her mother's voice, she dropped it and smiled wide.

She sat up then stood up. She clung to the bars of her crib and bounced up and down happily.

"Mama!" Lillian said.

Lillian knew a few words but her favorites were Mama and Dada.

Jessica giggled and picked up her baby girl.
"Good morning, Lily. Happy Birthday! You are one year old today! Oh my goodness. You are getting so big." She said then she kissed Lillian's chubby cheek.

Lillian baby babbled and hugged Jessica real tight as she could. She then pulled away and signed. Milk.

Jessica laughed and said. "Of course, you want your morning fill of mommy's milk. Alright, let's get you fed."

Lillian was old enough to eat solid foods now, but she would still breastfeed in the mornings and at night before bed.

Jessica walked over to the rocking chair that was by the window and sat down. She got Lillian settled in her arms then she pulled up her pajama top.

Lillian latched on and placed her hand on Jessica's breast. She looked up at her mother and Jessica smiled down at her.

She caressed Lillian's cheek and she sang her a lullaby.

Jessica thought back to last year and how Lillian entered this world.

Lillian was early and Jessica was so scared she would lose her due to Phillip. She was so glad Lillian was okay and that Phillip was out of her life.

After singing to her baby girl, Jessica began to speak to her.

"I am so happy to have you in my life, Lillian." She said. "I fought so hard for you and I will continue to do so until my final breath. I love you with all my heart, baby girl."

Lillian just stared at Jessica and smiled for a moment then she went back to nursing from her mother.

"This is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen." Danny said softly from the doorway. "I'm so blessed to be able to see this every morning."

Jessica looked over and smiled at Danny. He was standing there, watching Jessica feed their daughter.

"Good morning, honey." Jessica said.

Danny walked over and kissed her lips. "Good morning, Jess. And good morning to you too. Happy Birthday!"

Lillian stopped suckling and got excited. Her baby talk was coming out fast. She loved her daddy.

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