She's You

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*Seven Months Pregnant*

Jessica's book club was going well; she enjoyed having Sarah, Lily and Danny over. Especially Danny.
Danny was coming to Jessica's house even on days that they weren't having book club.

Since Danny was coming over more often, Jessica got to know Danny a bit more. She felt close to him and at first, she didn't know why. But, as time passed, she began to understand that she was beginning to like Danny more than a friend. Although, she would never admit it.

Danny was everything and more to Jessica. Danny would listen and actually comfort her whenever she got too emotional. Jessica told Danny everything that she was feeling and she even told him her concerns about her marriage.

Danny too opened up to Jessica and told her how he felt about his wife's passing. Jessica cried with Danny as she listened to his story of how Danny met his wife and how they were separated by death. He also told Jessica how his wife wanted him to move on and find someone new, but he of course hasn't found that right person. In his head of course he would tell himself that he did find that special someone and she was right in front of him.

Jessica began to see Danny in a different light. She wasn't sure what the feeling was but she knew that she had come to care deeply for Danny and she was glad to have him in her life. Especially now.

Phillip knew about the book club and he didn't mind Jessica having guests over as long as it kept Jessica out of his hair. Although, he didn't know Danny was a part of the group. Had he known, he would tell Danny not to come over to his home. Phillip was of course, the jealous type and any man that would get near Jessica, he would have a fit.

Jessica contemplated what she wanted to do about her marriage most of the time since all she could do was sit in bed and think. Jessica once loved Phillip but now, that love was long gone. Phillip obviously wasn't interested in their unborn child and it was also obvious that Phillip didn't love Jessica enough to even try to work things out and save their marriage.

Jessica wanted to leave but, she would have no where to go. She had money but not enough for her baby and herself. Abigail for sure wouldn't help Jessica out. Jessica didn't want to ask Rick since he and Shannon were still going through a lot and John lived in California. Jessica didn't want to move that far away from home.

She felt so stuck and all she could do was cry at night as she waited for her husband to come home. Which wasn't until the early morning hours each night.

One afternoon in May, Jessica sat up in bed reading. That's all she could really do. She would watch television if she could, but, the television was down stairs in the living room and Phillip refused to get one for their bedroom.

She suddenly put her book down because she felt a presence at the doorway.

"Danny?" Jessica said with surprise, then a smile spread across her face.
"Hi Jessica." Danny said with a smile.

The front door remained unlocked during the day so Shannon or Sarah could come in and out and Jessica wouldn't have to get up to answer the door. Danny knew that and came over to visit Jessica.

"Come in." Jessica said.
"I know I usually call before coming but, I was in the neighborhood and...well, I wanted to see you." Danny said. "I hope that's okay."
"Of course!" Jessica said. "Have a seat."

Danny walked into the room and sat in the seat next to her. Danny was nervous; he came on a mission and he was determined to go through with it.

Danny and Jessica proceed to have a normal conversation but Jessica could tell that Danny was a bit on edge.

"Danny...what's wrong?" Jessica asked as she takes his hand into hers.
Danny smiles softly at the feeling of her soft hands. "Uh...well." He began. "Jessica...there's something I have to get off my chest. But, I'm afraid that once I tell you, you are going to look at me differently. Also, I'm afraid this will ruin our friendship."
"Danny, please tell me." Jessica said calmly. "I promise it won't change anything. You are a very important person in my life and I couldn't imagine not having you being a part of it."

Danny nodded and took a deep breath. "You remember when I told you about my wife, and that she had wanted me to move on with someone new? You asked me why I hadn't and I answered because I hadn't found the right woman?"
"Yes. I remember that conversation." Jessica said, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "Please go on."
"I lied." Danny said. "I did find her...but...she's taken."
Jessica's eyebrows knit together in confusion and asked." What do you mean?"
"I found the most beautiful, kind hearted woman. She is everything and more but, she's married." Danny said as he looked down, sweat beading on his forehead.

Jessica began to have a feeling and she wasn't sure if she wanted him to go on.

Jessica clear her throat and asked uncertainly. "Who is she?"
Danny looked up at Jessica and looked into her eyes. He took a deep breath and said boldly. "You. She's you, Jessica."

I hope you all are still interested in this story. Question: What do you think Jessica's reaction is going to be after Danny's reveal?

I really appreciate your patience and support.❤️ thank you all for sticking around. I am so sorry I haven't been updating like I used to.

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