Brighter Future

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Sarah smiled wide as she saw Jessica and Danny kissing. She back away from the doorway and she did a little victory dance in the hall. She was hopeful that her best friend would finally get the happiness she so greatly deserves.

She calmed herself down and decided to leave Jessica and Danny alone. She then
proceeded to check in on Karen.

Jessica and Danny pulled away, content smiles on their faces. Jessica caressed Danny's cheek and Danny kissed her free hand.

"Oh Danny." Jessica said. "I'm scared for what's to come next with Phillip but, as long as you're by my side, I know I can get through it."
"I always be by your side." Danny said. "Also, just know that, you do have options. If you would like, you could move in with me if you decided to tell Phillip. But, as I said, we don't have to worry and make decisions about anything right now. You just worry about taking care of yourself and of making sure to keep this little one inside you. They're not finished cooking yet."

Jessica chuckled and held her belly; the baby moving gently around. Danny put his hand close to where Jessica's hand was and felt the baby.

They stayed that way for a while and they spoke about their revelations to each other.
They both agreed that they wouldn't make any decisions for now. Danny didn't want Jessica to stress. It was the last thing he wanted.

After some time, they heard footsteps coming down the hall and Danny kissed Jessica's cheek before returning to the chair beside her bed.

"Good afternoon Jess!" Sarah said happily. She carried a tray of food for Jessica. "Oh! Danny, I didn't know you were here." Sarah tried her best to hide her smirk.
"Hello Sarah." Danny said as stood up to help her with the tray she carried.
"Thank you." Sarah said to Danny.

Sarah then walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down by Jessica. Danny placed the tray on Jessica's lap then sat back down in the chair he has been occupying.

"So, what are you two up to?" Sarah asked.
"Nothing much." Jessica said as she took a sip of tea. "We were just discussing the book we are currently reading for book club."
Sarah smiled but didn't say anything about what she saw. She decided to let Jessica tell her when she was ready.

As Jessica ate, Sarah, Jessica and Danny were having a relaxing conversation between friends.

The afternoon wore on and before they knew it, Danny had to say goodbye. Sarah told them she was going to check on Karen which was an excuse to give them some time alone. Sarah said goodbye to Danny then left the room.

Danny made sure Sarah left the room then he walked closer to Jessica. He took her hands in his and said. "I'm sorry I have to go. But I'll be back tomorrow as soon as Phillip leaves."
"Okay." Jessica smiled. "Danny?"
"Yes?" Danny replied.
"I love you." Jessica said.
Danny smiled wide and leaned to give Jessica a kiss. After a moment, he pulled away and said. "I love you too."

Jessica hugged Danny tightly then let go. Danny sighed and left.

Jessica sat back against her pillows and sighed, her hands on her belly. She looked towards the window, seeing the sky turning all different shades of orange as the sun set. It was beautiful; Jessica sent a silent prayer up to the heavens for a brighter future with Danny.

Another short chapter but hope you all still enjoyed it.

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