You Tell Me

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Later that night, Phillip had just come home and had showered. He greeted Jessica and his mother then joined Karen in the living room.

Phillip could tell that Jessica felt under the weather but thought it was just a cold. Jessica told him that after dinner, she was going to go to bed early. He nodded and agreed that she should rest.

A little before six, Rick and Shannon arrived with their dinner. They all got settled at the kitchen table and Shannon was trying her best to keep Rick's grandmother from complaining too much.

Karen looked at the fish sticks with disgust. Shannon leaned over and said. "Hey grandma, would you like some ketchup?"
"Yes please. Maybe it'll mask the awful taste of these stick thingies that you say are fish." Karen said.

Shannon held in her giggle then poured some ketchup for Karen on her plate. Karen ate all her food after that and didn't complain because she did like the mac and cheese and mash potatoes.

Jessica ate a slice of pizza and a side salad that she quickly tossed together. The anti nausea medication had kicked in and she was able to keep her dinner down.

After dinner, Shannon cleaned up while Jessica said goodnight to everyone. She then walked up to her bedroom and slumped on the bed.
She took a moment then she stood up then changed into pajamas. She then got under the covers and as soon as her head touched her pillow, she fell asleep.

Saturday and Sunday came and went and Jessica still hadn't told Phillip about the pregnancy. Phillip had announced that he would spend Saturday night in the next town with his friends. He said they were going fishing and would be back Sunday night.

Jessica wanted to tell him but he packed an overnight bag and was on his way.

It was now just Jessica and Karen at home with Sarah dropping by for a visit after her shift at the library on Sunday afternoon. She wanted to check on Jessica to see what Dr. Porter had told her.

Jessica made some tea for them and they sat in the living room. Karen was upstairs taking a nap so they didn't have to worry about Karen interrupting them.

"So, did you see Dr. Porter?" Sarah asked as she sipped her tea.
"I did." Jessica said; she wanted to tell Sarah but she hadn't told Phillip so she didn't feel right if Sarah knew before her husband. But then again, Sarah was her best friend and she knew she could count on Sarah to keep a secret. She needed someone to talk to and she also knew that Sarah would be in her corner. "Oh Sarah...I can't believe what Neil told me what was wrong with me."
Sarah looked at Jessica with concern on her face and asked. "Jess...what's wrong? Is it cancer?"
Jessica shook her head no then said. "No. It's not cancer."
"Oh thank god!" Sarah said as she held her chest in relief. "But...then what is it?"
Even though they were alone, Jessica looked around to make sure no one was around. "Sarah...I'm...I'm pregnant."
"What?!" Sarah exclaimed.
"Shhh! Keep your voice down." Jessica said hurriedly. "No one knows and I do not want Karen to know. At least not yet. I haven't even told Phillip. I'm scared to tell him. What if he doesn't want this baby?"
Sarah moved closer to Jessica and said. "Oh Jess...I...I don't know what to tell you because we all know how Phillip is. So, we don't know what his reaction will be. But, the more important question you want this baby?"

Jessica looked into Sarah's eyes; tears sprang to her eyes. "I...I don't know what I want just yet. I'm so terrified that something will happen to me or the baby. Sarah, I'm fifty years old for goodness sake. I don't know if I can handle a pregnancy at my age." She said as her tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sarah hugged Jessica to comfort her best friend and Jessica sobbed in Sarah's arms.

"It's going to be okay Jess. I know it is." Sarah said gently. "Jessica...I know you don't show it to the rest of the world but I know what a strong woman you are. Whatever you decide, you know you can count on me and even Evan to be here for you and help you with whatever you need. I know you have to tell Phillip and talk things out with him but don't forget that this is your baby too. Don't let Phillip choose for you."

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