New Light

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John was the first one to speak up after a long silence. "I, uh, I'm gonna go clean up."
"I'll help you." Adam said as he followed John into the dining room to clean up after dinner.

Abigail sighed then gently woke her grandmother up so she could get her up the stairs and into bed.

Rick was still trying to comfort Shannon but she just continued to sob. He was crushed that his mother was pregnant without even trying. He and his wife have tried for so long and still no baby to show for it. He didn't know if he could be happy for his mother. He felt that if he were to be happy for his mother then he would be betraying his wife who was just heartbroken at the moment.

Phillip just sat on the sofa drinking a glass of scotch he had just poured for himself. He just wanted for this situation to go away.

"Dad, I'm going to take Shannon home." Rick said. "I'll call you and Mom later."
"Alright, son." Phillip said. "Drive carefully."

Once getting things cleaned up and putting Karen to bed, Abigail and Adam left. Right before leaving, Abigail urged her father to try to talk some sense into her mother. Phillip just nodded and hugged his daughter goodbye.

John was the only one spending the night since he had to wait for his flight back to Los Angeles for the next afternoon.

John didn't say a word to his father as he left Phillip sitting their nursing is glass of scotch. John walked upstairs to check on his mother.

John knocked softly on the bedroom door but there was no answer. John opened the door and peeked inside.

Jessica was laying in bed, fast asleep. Her hand resting on her belly. John smiled softly. He then closed the door quietly to not disturb Jessica and he went to his childhood bedroom.

John sat on the bed and thought about the events of the night. He was disappointed in his big sister. He couldn't believe she was still this bitter person she had come to be. Especially having this bitterness towards their own mother. It was all his grandmothers fault by filling his sisters head with lies about Jessica.

John sighed and shook his head; he felt so horrible because he was thirty hours away in Los Angeles and he wouldn't be able to help his mother through this most important time in her life. He was also worried about something happening to his mother and his baby brother or sister.

John felt so conflicted. He had a life in Los Angeles and a person waiting for him to come home. But he felt he was needed at home too.

All these thoughts he told Jessica the next morning. Before leaving back to California, John spoke to Jessica and she eased his mind and told him to go home. She understood that he had a life away from Cloquet and she didn't want to hold him back. She was proud that John left this small town to make his dreams come true.

John left feeling a little bit better about leaving but he promised he would call more often to check in on Jessica and his new sibling.

The days after thanksgiving seemed to drag on for Jessica. Phillip hadn't spoken a word about the baby and when he did, he would call the baby an it or the situation.

Karen was told about the baby but her poor mind was slowly deteriorating and Karen would go years back when she first knew of Jessica.

Jessica would think back to when she told Karen she was pregnant with Abigail. They were talking on the phone and Karen told Jessica that she had to get it taken care of. She said that her son wasn't going to be saddled down with a child or to a women he barely knew.

When Karen's mind was in the present, Karen wouldn't say much about the baby. Just like Phillip, she would rather have the situation go away. All she worried about was who was going to take care of her when Jessica got too pregnant to do much.

Jessica would ignore Karen most of the time and when it was Monday, she was glad to finally be out of the house.

She went to her usual shift at the library where Jessica told Sarah everything that happened. Sarah couldn't believe what she was hearing. Especially about Abigail.

Sarah knew that she and Jessica didn't have a great relationship, but she would never have thought that Abigail would actually suggest termination.

Jessica cried in Sarah's arms and Sarah told her that she would support her every step of the way. Sarah was determined to be there for her best friend no matter what.

Jessica thanked her and they continued on with their day.

Danny arrived at the library and greeted Jessica. He could tell right away that Jessica was upset about something.

Danny saw that Jessica had been crying and he saw that her smile didn't reach her eyes like it would normally. He tried to get her talk about how her thanksgiving went but after getting a brief answer, Danny sighed in defeat and went to his usual sitting spot.

After leaving the library, Jessica went to her appointment with Dr. Porter.

Jessica lightened up a bit because she would be able to see her baby on screen for the first time and hopefully she would hear the heartbeat.

Jessica signed in and waited in the waiting room.

Fifteen minutes later, a nurse called Jessica to the back and led her to an empty exam room.
An ultrasound machine was already set up and now Jessica just waited for her doctor to come in.

"Hello Jessica." Dr. Porter said as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.
"Hi Neil." Jessica said.

They asked about each other's thanksgiving then Dr. Porter asked. "So, did you and Phillip talk about what your next steps are going to be?"
"Yes." She said placing a smile on her face. "I'm going to have the baby."
"Alright." Dr. Porter said with a warm smile. "Shall we see the little one and see how they are doing?"
Jessica smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm so excited." She giggled.

Dr. Porter had Jessica lay back then lift up her blouse just enough to bare her belly. Dr. Porter applied a gel onto Jessica's belly, then he began to move the transducer around.

Jessica stared at the screen waiting anxiously to see her baby. Finally, Dr. Porter found the baby and tears instantly filled Jessica's eyes.
She smiled wide as she saw the tiny grape sized being.

"You are measuring at nine weeks." Dr. Porter said. "Everything looks great and on track. Now, I know you are probably most excited for this next part."

Jessica said that she was so ready for the next part then Dr. Porter reached over to machine and turned a knob. Suddenly, the room was filled with the strong beating of the baby's heart.

Jessica's smile remained and her tears rolled down her cheeks. The heartbeat was strong and was the most beautiful sound.

Jessica stared at her baby on the screen and knew that her decision to have this baby was the right one. Everyone might be against now but she didn't care. She was finally going to stick up for herself and for what she thought was right.

In that moment, Jessica was tried of sitting back and taking all the negative people threw her way. She was done with being the quiet, obedient wife who let everyone make the decisions for her.

Jessica was now a whole new person and in that moment, she felt this new light enter her world that had been dark for way too long.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Sorry if not much happened. This was more of filler chapter.

More to come really soon!

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