So Strong

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Jessica opened her eyes and saw Danny. She smiled and squeezed his hand. Danny looked up and he couldn't help but smile back.

"Hey." Jessica said softly. "It's nice to see you."
"Hi." Danny chuckled. "It's nice to see you too. How are you feeling?"
Jessica sighed and said. "Scared. What if..."
"No. No, what if's." Danny said. "Everything is going to be okay."
"I'm so glad your here Danny." Jessica said holding onto his hand.

Jessica felt so much better now that Danny was by her side. She smiled at him but then her smile faltered as her eyes scanned the room.

Abigail and Rick stared at their mother and Danny. Abigail accepted their relationship right away, but Rick was having some trouble. It was weird to him that his parents marriage was over. But as of now, he had to push his discomfort away. Now was not the time to worry about the state of his parents marriage.

"Rick, Abigail..." Jessica began. "Please don't be upset with me. Your father and I are going to get a divorce and...and I'm now going to be with Danny."
Abigail moved closer and said. "I'm not upset, Mom. After hearing what Dad put you through all these years, well, I just want you to be happy...and if Danny makes you happy, then, I'm okay with it."
Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks with smile on her face. "Thank you Abby. I'm so glad to hear that." Jessica then looks at Rick. "Rick?"
Rick chewed the inside of cheek for a moment, he then walked over to Jessica and said. "'s going to take me some time, but, if Danny is who you want to be with, then, you have my support. I love you, mom."
"Awe, my baby boy, I love you too." Jessica responded.

Everyone settled down and sat with Jessica in her hospital room. The atmosphere was somewhat tranquil and Jessica was glad to have so much support in a time like this.

Jessica managed to fall asleep again but after two hours, she began to stir. She groaned as she scrunched up her eyes.

"Jess, are you okay?" Danny asked.
"The's wearing off!" Jessica said breathlessly.

Jessica breathed through the contraction then settled down again. Her hand rested on her belly while the other was still being held by Danny.

Just then Dr. Porter walked into the room and asked everyone to step out. Jessica asked if Sarah could stay and he said it was fine. Sarah held her hand as Jessica was checked over by the doctor.

As Dr. Porter went over her vitals, the baby's vitals and how much she was dilated, Jessica whispered. "Sarah...I'm not ready for my baby to come. I don't have anything for them."

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought about how unprepared she was for her baby's arrival.

"Oh Jess, don't cry over that." Sarah said calmly. "Jessica, I was planning a surprise baby shower for you. Evan and I bought you a bassinet to put in your room and we also bought diapers, baby wipes, and I bought a few outfits. Of course, we don't know if it's a boy or a girl so, I went with neutral colors. But, as soon as we know what the little one is, I'll be more than happy to run out and go on a shopping spree!" She chuckles.
"Awe, Sarah!" Jessica said as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "You are the greatest friend I have ever had. Thank you for always being there for me."
"I'll always be there for you." Sarah said with a smile. "We'll figure out everything out later. For now, let's concentrate on welcoming your baby into this world."
Jessica nodded and turned her attention to Dr. Porter.

Dr. Porter took off his gloves then washed his hands. He then walked over to Jessica and said. "Your blood pressure has gone back to normal, but, it's still crucial that we keep a close eye on it. I also looked over your contractions and they seem to have spread out from the time you first arrived. Your contractions are ten minutes apart and you are now at seven centimeters. Everything is looking great. I'll be back in another hour."
"Thank you, Neil." Jessica said with a smile.

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