Chapter 1 | Australia

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"I'm going to miss you so much, I can't imagine living here without you. It's gonna be boring as crap" My Best-Friend Alissa sighed.

"Shhh you're gonna make me have second thoughts!" I laughed "I'm going to miss you too but, hey, we still have Skype and not to mention phones."

"Heh, I forgot about that" she said scratching the back of her neck.

"FLIGHTS TO SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA ARE BOARDING NOW PLEASE PROCEED TO TERMINAL 24 A" said a piercingly loud voice over the speakers.

I cursed and looked back to Alissa who now had tears streaming down her face. Honestly, she can be really dramatic at times.

"I'll call you once I get there, love you!" I hugged Alissa and walked over to board the place, glancing back at her and waving once more before the doors closed and I was off to start my life over.




I was woken up by an arm shaking my shoulders, I groaned and rolled over forgetting I was on an Airoplane and hit my side into an arm rest causing me to groan louder.

"Krista we're here, c'mon we've got to go" Said my mother sleepily, she's not a morning person either and since we left the airport at 3am and it is now 6:16am none of us are extremely happy.

"Fine" I sighed whilst getting out my earphones and playing my One Direction and All Time Low playlist. We walked out and waited by the baggage claim area waiting for our bags to come through. As they did, we walked out and jumped into my step-fathers car, he wasn't too bad but I still missed my real dad.

"How are you Krista" His words barely audible over the blasting sound of music in my ears.

"Fine thank you" I said trying to be polite.




I laid on my queen sized bed staring at my surroundings, it was now 12am and I had finished packing my things into my new bedroom. I had organised to have my laptop and desk on the right side of my room in front of my wardrobe and my bed to the left side of the room. There was a lime green mat on the floor in the middle of the bedroom dividing my room in half along with a big window in the middle as well.

I had my All Time Low, One Direction and The Vamps posters hung up around my walls. I guess you could say I was a little bit of a fangirl.


I walked to the window and opened it, sitting on the window sill staring out at my new home town; Norwest, Sydney.

As I was looking out I saw a guy with a Blonde fringe, blue eyes and a small nose stare in my direction from about 2 doors down across the street, when I looked over at him his cheeks turned a rosy pink colour and he grinned staring down at his feet and continuing to walk inside the house he was at.

I must admit, he was fiiine.

Ergh Shut Up Krissy it's only been a day and your already Crushin'

I hate my brain.

I got up from the window sill grinning a little and got out my laptop to Skype Alissa.



So this is a new fanfiction I'm working on called disconnected and- ugh ok I'll shut up ;)

Soooo sorry for the short chapter but I had no idea what to do for this chapter, I have a little planned out for the next few chapters though :-)

Can you guess who the guy issss????

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