Chapter 4 | Band Practice

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"Bye mum" I grinned walking into school and to my locker.

I grabbed my books for the upcoming classes and shut my locker finding a happy Luke behind the locker door I just closed.

I jumped from the fright he gave me and slapped his arm playfully as he chuckled.

"What was that for" I said pouting

"Ey I need a little fun in my life" He stuck his tongue out at me as I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon you don't wanna be late for first period" he said leading me to literature class.

We walked in and sat in our designated desks waiting for Mr Finn to arrive and bore us to death.




*Last Class*

"Hello students, as you all know I'm Miss Stephenson and since today is Friday it's music time." She smirked as half the class cheered.

I loved playing Guitar, Bass and singing but not in front of people. I've never liked performing in front of people because I was always scared of judgement, I kind of got over that now but I still don't perform to anyone unless I'm asked.

"Okay so before we start the lesson I will be taking a mark on your guitar playing, you may choose between electric or acoustic and I would like you to make a tune using A, Em, C and F major 7 chords please."

She started going down the roll in alphabetical order of people's last names. Once she got to me I stiffened still not deciding between electric or acoustic. I walked over to the 2 guitars and reluctantly picked up the electric guitar, I quickly thought of a sing I had used before and started strumming with no struggle.

The teacher seemed impressed, quickly scribbling down something near my name on the roll, I put the guitar back and proceeded to my seat.

"That was really good" Luke whispered to me.

"Erm thanks" I grinned looking down at my hands, my heartbeat slowly rising.

when she got to Luke he slightly smirked and got up. To my surprise he chose acoustic guitar and started strumming a really catchy tune. Once he finished he grinned and walked back to his seat.

"You're awesome at guitar y'know" I said to him.

He blushed and said "thanks, I play electric in my band."

""Awesome, your band seems really cool, like, your other friends in the band are pretty cool." I said slightly grinning

Luke let out a small chuckle before replying "Yeah, we're having band practice today, you could come along if you like"

I pondered on the thought for a minute before replying "Yeah, sure. What time? I'll have to text my mum to take me there"

"Don't worry about getting your mum to drive you, you can come in my car."

"Oh okay" Those was the last words spoken from us both for the rest of class.




We arrived at Luke's house and headed into his garage, or as he calls it 'Practice Room'

There were 3 guitar stands set up, 2 with electric guitars in them and one with a bass. At the back of the room stood a black drum-kit and near it a cajon with the words 'Ash xx' on it.

"I'll be back" Luke said before walking out and probably heading to his room.

I walked over to the bass and eyed it, taking in every detail. It almost looked exactly like my bass at home, except mine had an orange lightning logo on the top whereas this one had a pixelated smiley face.

I picked up the bass and swung the strap over my shoulder, quickly tuning any untuned strings. I then started strumming a random tune that came to mind but it quickly turned into 'Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low'

About 1 minute into the song and a guitar quickly joined me, I opened my eyes shocked but continued playing as Luke was near me playing on his guitar. He smirked at me and I returned it continuing to strum the chords, while Luke strummed his guitar and started singing.

"I guess the band doesn't need us anymore guys, Luke's found us a replacement that's amazingly good at my bass" said someone at the door and I looked up to see Michael, Calum and another guy with Hazel eyes and adorable dimples behind him, his golden curls barely held back by a red bandanna, yes I said adorable dimples and yes I'm obsessed with dimples. Don't ask why.

Luke chuckled slightly and I just blushed putting the instrument back on its stand. I felt a little embarrassed since they actually saw me play, as I said before I don't necessarily like being seen playing an instrument unless I'm asked too.

The other guys in the doorway laughed and walked in, picking up their instruments, well the blonde, dimple dude couldn't necessarily 'pick up' his drums, so I guess he sat at the drum kit.

I retreated from the mini stage they had set up and sat down cross-legged on the denim sofa in the room.

"Okay, this song is called 'Out Of My Limit' and it's an original hope you enjoy" Luke said with a grin and they started playing the song, they were surprisingly very talented, like superstar material. I had a feeling these guys could make it big.

HIIIIIII heheheh sooooo I kinda just finished this now but I've been working on it for 3 days >_< I hope you enjoy! And sorry for any typos I just skimmed through the story instead of properly proof reading, whoops? ;-) kk byyyyye pim-out

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