Chapter 18 | Give me my phone

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"Shit" I cursed as soon as I woke from my nap.

"Krisszilla is up" Calum grinned

"Shut it" I said looking through my bedside for my phone but it wasn't there.

As soon as I woke up from my nap I had realised that I forgot to call my step-father and tell him that I was on tour. I know, stupid me, but it's not my fault he's always at work.

"WHO HAS MY PHONE" I yelled.

"Uuuummmmm" Ashton mumbled then slowly approached the door, phone in hand. I glared at him then looked in the mirror, my hair was ok but it was a bit frizzy, eh too bad.

"ASHTON GET UR BUTT BACK HERE" I yelled chasing him out of the room.

"I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME MY PHONE I WILL CHOP YOUR HEAD OFF" I was really close to getting him when I tripped over someone's leg.

I looked up to see a smirking Louis, I glared at him and pulled his foot so he fell too.

"Ugh" he groaned

"Don't mess with me" I said "ASHTON I SWEAR IF YOU DONT GET BACK HERE"

As soon as I was about to get up I felt myself being picked up by someone.

"Why is it always ME who gets picked up" I groaned.

"Coz your light" Calum smirked

"No I am not"


"I don't mean to disrupt your mini-fight here but could you guys keep it down a bit please?" This EXTREMELY pretty girl was leaning on her doorframe watching us, she had brown hair and dark brown eyes. She honestly looked amazing and she didn't even look like she was trying! She was wearing a Sleeping With Sirens T-shirt and black skinny jeans.

As she spoke, Ashton quickly threw my phone to Calum and walked over to the girl.

"Oh uh, sorry" I apologised.

"Na it's fine, but dude" she said looking at Calum "give her the phone" she smirked

"Na" he grinned at me.

As Ashton approached the girl he started making chat with her, she was laughing a lot so I guess they're going to get along quite well.

"Give me my phone you little shit" I whispered to Calum, trying to squirm out of his grip.

"Mmm no"


"You've got to do something for me"

"You always want me to do something for you" I pouted "PENGUIN, HELP"

Luke walked out of the room and smirked at the sight "na" he said


"Bro, let the girl go" I heard Niall say from in front of Luke, by now, all of One Direction+Michael were out of their rooms and smirking at us.

"YEAH" I shouted kicking everywhere and trying to get out of his grip.

I couldn't even see where I was kicking so when I heard Calum yelp I smirked.

"Man down" he squeaked and fell down, finally releasing him.

Both bands all burst into laugher, other than Calum and I smirked down at him then back up to everyone else.

"Take this as a warning not to mess with me. Ever" I then grabbed my phone from Calum's grip and left him laying there.

I walked into my room and opened up my contacts, when I found my step-father I clicked call. My step-father would never get angry easily. He was always nice to me so I was hoping he want too mad.

"Hey honey"

"Hey dad! I forgot to tell you something really important and I need to tell you"

"I'm listening"

"Alright, so I kinda forgot to tell you but 2 days ago I left with my friends, you know those 4 guys, yeah coz they're kinda in a band and-" I started but was cut off by him.

"Ur alone with 4 17 years old boys?" My father chuckled

"DAD!" I shouted laughing too.

"Sorry, continue"

"Yeah so they're on tour and they invited me to come with them. But guess who they're on tour with"

"The Vamps?" My dad asked, he was sorta, kinda, maybe, a fan of The Vamps... Oops??

"Sadly no, but these people are even better.. Dad.. THEY'RE FREAKING ON TOUR WITH ONE FREAKING DIRECTION" I squealed, falling down onto my bed, phone pressed against my ear.

"Woah! Congratulations Krista! Just don't pull anything with your so-called husband Liam" he snickered.

I laughed and said "well, I've got to go dad, love you" I said and hung up.

He took that surprisingly well.




"If your pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss. Can mend your broken heart I might miss everything you said to me" I sang, the guys all had to go to soundcheck since they had one last concert in Denmark again tonight so I was alone to do whatever I wanted.

I grabbed Luke's guitar and started strumming to 'Roger Rabbit' by Sleeping with Sirens (if you haven't heard this song then listen to it!! ITS SO FREAKING GOOD)

I started singing/rapping the lyrics of the song whilst strumming, I closed my eyes and poured every emotion into it.

I thought about the bully's that would bring me down in New Zealand, I thought about Alissa, oh how I missed her so much, I wish she was here with me.

Then I thought about Luke. How his dimple would show when he smiled genuinely. How his amazing blue eyes would light up when he talked about music. How he would bite his lip when he was nervous or scared. How his hair would lay perfectly flat when he woke up.

He looked so perfect all of the time.

I thought about how he cared so much even if someone was just barely hurt. How we would never hurt anyone intentionally. How he barely ever got angry. How he had a huge passion for music.

He was truly perfect.

And that's when I realised.

I think I might have a crush on Luke Hemmings.


sorry but she said might :3

I want to sleep but I don't wanna coz I have school tomorrow ;-;

Btw the new girl is named Samantha, she's based off of @the_10th coz she is amazing and she asked :)

After I finish this book (which definitely is not soon, don't worry) I am releasing a new Calum fanfiction based off of my best friend Katherine, LOVE U KATHYYYY

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