Chapter 19 | Lazer Skirmish

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We had just finished soundcheck are were now sitting in our dressing room with the 1D boys.

"You guys told us that there was gonna be a girl but you never mentioned anything about her being hot" Harry smirked

"Ey back off" I glared at him

"Damnit, is she your girlfriend or something?"

" But- I still call dibs on her" I said, looking at my hands in my lap

"Fine, but lad, you should make a move soon" Harry insisted

I groaned "I just don't know what to do! I want to be with her so badly, but I don't want to ruin the friendship we have by confessing to her that I like her when she might not even like me back!"

"Just think about it mate" Niall sighed, patting me on the back.

I was silent for a minute until I got really bored.

"Hey guys, how long until the show?" I asked

"About 3 hours" Liam answered.

"CAN WE GO LAZER SKIRMISH?!" Cal, Ash, Mike and I all shouted and jumped up at the same time.

"Woah, can you guys read each other's minds or something?" Zayne chuckled

"Maybe" Mike smirked.



"I'll go get Krissy" I said walking out of the car.

I walked up to the hotel room and heard a guitar playing and Kriss' singing, but she sounded like she really was into it because of the way she was singing.

"Oh I'm sorry if I say I need you

But I don't care I'm not scared of love

Coz when I'm nit with you I'm weaker" she sang, her voice full of emotion.

"Is that so wrong, is it so wrong!" She sand louder

"Coz you make me strong" she sang, her voice getting softer.

I knocked on the door and opened it slightly, peeking in.

She quickly put her guitar away and looked over at me "hi" she smiled

"Hey" I walked in a little more "the guys wanna go lazer skirmish, you wanna come?"

"Okay" she said walking over to her side of the closet and grabbed a batman jacket

"It's freezing outside" she chuckled slightly

"Yeah, it's so different from Australia, usually our winters are about 18 degrees not 6" I sighed walking to the door.

Kriss walked next to me and smirked "I'm not playing if Mike and I aren't on the same team"

"It's 5SOS+You vs 1D, so don't worry, you and mike can team and snipe everyone" I chuckled

"We're gonna beat their asses" she laughed skipping along in front of me.

I laughed and ran ahead of her, looking back and sticking my tongue out but that was a very bad idea because as soon as I looked back I bumped into a wall and fell back on my butt.

"OMG" Kriss laughed

I groaned, that hurt.. A lot. Gosh, damn my height, if it weren't for me being so tall I probably would've kept my balance.

"Are you okay?" She asked coming closer and bending down next to me.

I sat up and held my head "I think that wall's holding a grudge against me"

She laughed and helped me up and we both walked over to the car.

"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH" Calum groaned

"Sorry, we had an incident with Luke and a wall" Kriss chucked as all the boys smirked

"OH GOSH NO, NOT LIKE THAT, I MEANT HE HIT HIS HEAD OMG" she screamed hiding her face in her hands.

We all burst out laughing at her embarrassment.

"Your so innocent" I laughed.

"NO I'M NOT" she gasped

"Yes you are" Ashton laughed "how many times have you kissed someone before" he continued laughing.

"Once" she mumbled making me look at her with wide eyes.

Once... I kissed her on New Years.. That was once.. Oh my gosh.

I pointed to myself "me?" I whispered

"Yeah, you were my first kiss" her cheeks turned a rosy pink colour.

"Well at least you didn't give your first kiss to sone jerk" Calum chirped

"Who said Luke wasn't a jerk" Kriss smirked

"Hey!" I pouted causing everyone to chuckle

"don't worry Lukey, you can be my jerk" Calum hugged me.

"The adventures of Cake" I heard Kriss mumble under her breath.

"Cake?" I asked

"Yeah it's your ship name, C-A from Calum and K-E from Luke"

"WE'RE HERE" Ashton shouted and ran out of the car to meet the 1D boys who were waiting at the doors.

I put my arm over Kriss' shoulder and started walking whispering in her ear "I'll go for Harry since he's really bad at the game, you go for Liam since he'll probably use a plan and your the smartest out of all of us"

She nodded and we walked into the laser skirmish pre-arena, where we got dressed up with our padded target vests and grabbed out lazer guns.

Both teams went on opposite sides of the room to discuss what we were doing.

"Okay, Kriss is going for Liam, I'm going for Harry, Ashton you go for Louis, Calum go for... Hm, Niall. And Michael, you go for Zayne" I whispered earning nods from everyone.

When the doors opened we sprinted out for our 30 second safe time. This arena was dinosaur themed, so there were lots of giant dinosaurs everywhere and trees and walls. There was also a volcano that I could see put of the corner of my eye. SCORE.

I ran over to the really high, plastic volcano and hid inside it. To my surprise there was a peeping hole inside it and I could see almost the whole place.

I looked around and saw Liam camouflaging near a tree, damn he was smart.

Kriss was hiding behind walls and slowly making her way towards different places, trying to find him.

Ashton and Louis were standing in front of eachother, both holding their guns towards eachother threatening to shoot. Then, Louis, being the sneaky guy he is, tripped Ashton over and started shooting him until his vest said 15 second break.

I saw Harry walking around looking nervous. Then, he started walking past the volcano.

I quickly put my gun through the hole and started shooting at him, when his best vibrated, telling him that he had been shot, he screamed and started running the opposite direction and flailed his arms around.

He didn't even notice me!

I then looked around, back to Kriss. She was running after Liam, laughing a lot. Her smile was really contagious.

I looked at how her hair would fly around when she ran and how her smile wasn't one of those flirt-ish ones, it was a genuine smile that spread to her eyes. I watched how she turned corners abruptly and then caught Liam in a corner and shot him. I watched her proud smirk and the way she would lick her lips when she saw someone running past. I watched how she shot them with so much accuracy. I watched her be herself.

It's official.

I really like Krista.

A/N I needed a Luke p.o.v really badly so here it is! I am going to sleep now so Goodnight, Sweet Dreams.

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