Chapter 14 | New Years Kiss

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Chapter 14!


It was New Years Eve and I was currently trying to put together a great outfit.

It's summer in Sydney so any sort of long sleeved clothing would not be acceptable I mean like, Australia is really hot in summer.

I kept rummaging through my closet looking for something good to wear but then settled on a floral dress and a pair of blue flats. I didn't usually wear anything girly like a dress, but today I felt like it.

I put them on and went into my bathroom to do my hair. I tied it into a fishtail braid and applied a layer of pink lipgloss.

"HURRY UP KRISS" Luke yelled from downstairs

"I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN IN HERE FOR 10 MINUTES" I shouted back and heard him groan.

"I quickly checked myself in the mirror and grabbed my phone, walking downstairs.

As I walked downstairs I saw Luke's eyes widen a little bit and he froze.

"Penguin?" I said, waving my hand in front of his face.

He shook his head "You look... Amazing"

I blushed and slapped his arm lightly "not so bad yourself"

He grinned and lead me out to his car. As we got in I asked him "what time is it?"

"Seven, we're gonna pick the guys up, have dinner and then go to Hyde Park for the fireworks."

"Cool" I said and put his All Time Low disc in the radio.


About 10 minutes later we had picked up Calum, Ashton and Michael, and we were on our way to a pizza place since no one could resist.

Luke's music was on shuffle and soon enough, Ashton and I's favourite song came on.

I grinned cheekily and looked over at Ashton as he did the same. I nodded my head then 3 seconds later started shouting out the lyrics, along with Ashton.

'Maybe it's not my weekend

But it's gonna be my year

And I'm so sick of watching all the minutes pass as I go nowhere

And this is my reaction

To everything I fear

Cause I've been going crazy I don't wanna waste another minute here!'

After we finished yelling out the lyrics we ended up falling into fits of laughter.




It was currently 11pm and the guys and I were sitting down on the grass chatting.

"I still can't believe I'm going to meet One Direction, I mean like they're freaking ONE DIRECTION it's just so unbelievable and- ugh, thank you guys so much! I love you all!" I rambled, bringing them into a group hug.

"You know you guys didn't have to take me with you, you could've just gone on tour yourselves and we could Skype everyday or-" I continued rambling before getting cut off by Luke

"Kriss, it wouldn't be the same without you there, your super fun and you like half the things we like, I'm pretty sure there's no other girl like you, and we couldn't have asked for a better best friend"

"Aww" I cooed, hugging him "thanks penguin"

"Let's play Truth or Dare for the last time this year" Ashton chirped

"YES" we all shouted

"Calum, truth or dare" Michael asked


"Jump into the fountain and yell I MISSED YOU" he smirked

"Dare accepted" then he ran into the fountain and did as told, earning glares from a few elderly couples.

"WHAAAA THAT'S COLD" Calum yelled running in circles, making all of us laugh.

"Ashton, truth or dare" I asked


"Do you rather Luke or Michael"

"MASHTON FOREVER" he yelled jumping onto Michael and hugging him tightly

Luke pouted and I started laughing really loud..

"Krissy, truth or dare?" Calum asked


He smirked cheekily and in that moment I knew I made the wrong decision

"Kiss Luke for your New Years kiss"

I sighed "why do you guys always try and make Luke and I kiss" I groaned


"Fine, but only if a Luke's fine with it"

I looked over at Luke and he shrugged

"10" I heard from behind me.

I grinned and joined the others





"BYE 2012!"




I looked over at Luke who was next to me and I could feel my cheeks heating up

"Happy New Years" he whispered then placed a short sweet kiss on my lips

Oh my.

I just-

I can't-






Wait why do I feel like this.

Coz you- I didn't invite you to this conversation sub-concious

I grinned and looked down, trying to hide my rosy cheeks.

This really was the best New Years I've ever had.

A/N you honesty don't understand how long I've been waiting to write this chapter, I wanted Lussy to kiss so badly, oh and thank you all so much for over 200 reads!! It means so much to me to know that people actually read my stories, I love you all!

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