Chapter 3 | Skype Calls

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My first day of School went well, I made 3 new friends and didn't get much homework! Only about an hours worth... Eh who cares.

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling, it was 6pm and I had finished my homework so I was utterly bored.

I decided to log onto Skype and add the username Luke wrote down for me.

I went onto 'add contact' and typed in Luke_Is_A_Penguin, chucking lightly at his name, then sent a request saying it was Krissy. Not even a minute later he added me back and messaged me;

Luke: Skype Call at 6:30?

Me: Sure :-)


I've got 30 minutes to get ready.

Wait why do I even need to get ready?

Because you're going to be video calling a hot guy.

Shut up brain.

You know you like him.

Ahem, YOU know that. You're not my heart so no thank you, bye.


I basically just changed out of my Pyjama's into a random outfit and redid my hair, why I was making an effort? No freaking idea.. My brain told me to.

By the time I was ready it was 6:25 so I went online, as soon as I did though Luke called.


I clicked accept and his smiling face filled my computer screen.

"Hey!" He said

"Hi!" I answered giggling

"I'd like to get to know up you better Krissy" Luke said blushing and looking down.

"Sure! What'd you like to know" I said grinning.

"Ummm, I dunno, just tell me anything about you" he stared at the camera.

"Ok, erm.

My name is Krista Rose Evans, I'm 17 this year, I like music and playing guitar, I like sleep, Erm I love All Time Low, One Direction and The Vamps, My favourite colour is Blue, My favourite number is 8, I like reading as you can see over here" I turned my camera over to a small shelf of books near my desk, then back to me. "Umm I'm from New Zealand and I never wear make up since I think it covers up ones beauty."

He stared at the camera with his mouth slightly open, oh gosh, did I do something wrong.

I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I looked down at my hands then back up to the camera.

"Wow" he muttered thinking I couldn't hear him. Psh. I HAVE REALLY GOOD LISTENING SKILLS. Heh.

I grinned and said "Your turn"

I found out that we actually had a lot in common! He also loved All Time Low and Music and he was 1 month older than me.

It was getting quite stuffy in my room so I walked over to my window and opened it slightly, then sat on the window sill, since it was quite big, resting my laptop in my lap.

We continued talking then I looked out the window at a house across the road I saw a guy looking at his laptop grinning and talking, I then looked back to Luke. It was him.

I chuckled and looked back out the window to look at him again, he really had no idea.

"What're you laughing at" he said

I continued chuckling and looking out my window at him, he then glance out the window and his eyes landed on me.

"Ooooooh haha um hey" he nervously said whilst waving at me through his window.

"Hiiiii" I said waving.

"Wait, so you live, like, almost right across the road to me?" He chuckled

"Yup" I said, popping the P.

"That's so cool" he grinned looking down at his hands, why does he keep doing that!?

'LUKE CALUM, MICHAEL AND ASHTON ARE HERE.' Screamed someone in Luke's house.

"Oh I've got to go band practice... I'll see you tomorrow Krissy, byyyyye" he said

"Cya Luke!" I said waving at him, then the call ended.

His last words kept replaying through my head;

Got to go band practice

Go band practice

Band Practice


I messaged him on Skype quickly before he left.

KrissyMissy: WAIT YOU'RE IN A BAND?!!!

He messaged me back a few seconds later.

Luke_Is_A_Penguin: ah yeah, haha, um sorry forgot to mention that.

KrissyMissy: That's so cool! Well ok I'll let you go practice, Cya :-)

Luke_Is_A_Penguin: Byyyye :-)


Heyyyyyyy, sorry for the crap chapter, I honestly can't see how many pages this is so um sorry if it's really short.

I really like writing this fan-fiction I'm so sorry it's really boring right now but I promise it will get better!


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