Chapter 31: Distraction

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"Elijah!" I yell, running to the back of his house. I see out tee-pee up and head towards it.

"Babe," I call out, ducking down to get in.

"Hi," he says with a warm smile on his face.

"Is everything okay?" I blurt out, as he pulls me into his arms.

"Yeah, yeah." he answers me, hiding his face in my hair.

"Then what's up with the urgent text.... and your heart is beating so fast right now?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair.

"Mom just left for Arizona," he says gravely and my hear drops.

"Why...why would she be leaving? I thought dad was coming back here," I question him.

"He lied," he whispers in my ear and I freeze.

"No, no no no. He wouldn't, he wouldn't lie to us." I repeat as Elijah pulls away.

"Not about that, love." he says and I frown.

"He lied about his health, a while ago before we moved back had a little scare and we went to hospital. Well you know, dad has diabetes. And apparently, diabetes can lead to higher risk of cancer." he says and I feel tears falling down my face.

"Anyway, they think that they might've found cancer cells in his pancreas. And so mom flew out to be with him," Elijah rushes out before breaking down in my arms.

"No," is all I strangle out. I hold him close in my arms, playing in his hair. I want to break down and bawl but I know that one of us has to stay strong. I kiss his forehead as a single tear drop from my eye.

"I love you," he whispers eventually and I kiss him again.

"I love you too," I whisper back.

"He's going to be fine," I ass shortly before Elijah falls asleep in my arms. I slowly lay his head down on a pillow and place a cover over him before walking out to go inside of the house. I was going to distract to distract him when he woke up.


"Scarlet?" I hear Elijah call out when he walks into the house three hours later.

"I'm in the kitchen, babe." I answer him.

"So good thing is my mom didn't call with any bad news...bad thing is she didn't call with good news either." he says, wrapping his arms around me while I put some icing on my red velvet cupcakes.

"That means everything's in pause right now, we just have to wait a little longer. Besides we are in different time zones right now," I tell him as he kisses my cheek.

"That smells great," I smile, dipping my finger in the icing and wiping it on his cheek.

"I know, it tastes great too." I tell him. He squeezes my side before rubbing his face against mine.

"Elijah!" I exclaim, icing getting on my hair and he laughs.I grab a cupcakes and slam it in his face.

"It does taste delicious,"he says, reacting differently from what I was hoping for, his arm tightens around me while the other grabs a towel and wipes his face off.

"But right now I really want to kiss the girl who made it," he says.

"I guess that'd be a nice way to repay her," I shrug and he smiles at me.

"If only I knew who she was," he says letting me go and I frown at him.

"Are you questioning my baking skills, Elijah Wade?" I ask him.

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