Sequel to Abused and Saved by the Ultima... if you haven't read it go do that or you won't understand anything about this one!
Aaron has just heard the scream of his sister Melissa at their house in the woods. He is farther away than he would like t...
Aaron was full werewolf mode, and I was right there with him. We searched and sniffed and howled for answers but nothing... it was past midnight and he refused to sleep. I drug him over to the bed and kissed him,
A- Hey... she will be found by the end of the week I promise. We are all worried but you need to calm down... and come to sleep.
Aa- I... I know it's just... she has always been there for me and now I need to be there for her.
A- We'll find her babe, I promise...
Just as I said that I got a mind link from Luci...
L- Aph, Aaron... I know where Melissa is and she is being held in a dark room. I was controlled by a forever potion but it wore off, they made me put a spell where she can't use any mind link of even transform. We made a deal that I would help her until you guys could get here. Come tomorrow night, that's when there's only a few guards here. Now I have to go pretend i'm still under the effects of a forever potion... tell the others and bring clothes!
A- Did you get that?
Aa- Yeah... lets go tell my parents.
We walked downstairs and explained everything that Lucinda had told us. We made a plan and finally went to bed, I slept cuddled up against Aaron... I felt safe.
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He was still awake though, I could sense it... he was stressed. I knew just what he needed too...
A- Aaron, come on... get up. If you won't sleep you need to do something that will make you tired. We're going out into the forest and just going to run okay, until we have to carry each other.
Aa- That actually sounds like a good idea, okay let's go.
I got up and grabbed his hand, he smirked and picked me up bridal style. I tried not to laugh because his parents were sleeping... we walked down the stairs and out the back door. He set me down and we shifted. I looked at him and he looked at me... in one wolf like smile we were sprinting through the woods. We ran side by side with so much speed the forest seemed to buzz with electricity and life.
Rachel's POV
I lied in bed with Derek, we could shuffling but thought nothing of it. I got up and used the bathroom then saw the back door cracked open. Aphmau and Aaron must have gone out, I was correct because their bedroom was empty. I went back to bed and when I did there was howling... I looked over at Derek. He smiled and got up with me... we went outside and into wolf form and began to howl. With Lilith gone we could go anywhere around the forest, so we went to find Aaron and Aphmau.
It had been years since I really ran through the forest just because. It was fun and enlightening to me... I loved it and the feel of fresh dirt on my paws. I knew that Derek felt the same way because he started to speed up and so did I. We reached the clearing in no time and found Aphmau and Aaron howling with their tails intertwined. Derek was skeptical of their relationship but I think that just changes because his face went soft. We went to sit next to them, I howled and then joined Derek. There was something about this that just found its place in my heart... it sent warmth through my body.
We spent the rest of the night wandering the woods, it felt amazing to be out in the forest.
Aaron's POV
It was the next night and we were at the location Lucinda told us, it was and hour away from where we lived. It was a small building and I could smell Melissa from here, Aphmau and I were on the roof. She was going to go through the air vents while I went back down and took out the few guards there were. Once Aphmau gave me the signal, I jumped off the roof and got the guards attention.
Guard- Attention all units in the building, we have a possible intruder outside! I need all help available please!
Just what I needed him to do. They didn't have guns though so not much to worry about, I went into wolf form as they all came outside. My father joined me in wolf form, one look and we were knocking them out and throwing the guards up in the air. We were taller than them after all... one of the people grabbed a stick and struck my father with it. I growled a deep and loud sound, he looked quickly back at me. I charged at him and bit his shoulder, he shouted and stumbled back... I shoved him over. We took out the last of them and went back into human form as Aphmau and Rachel walked out with Melissa and Lucinda.
M- DAD! *they hug* Aaron, Aphmau, thank-you...
R- Neither of the boys would sleep, so we have been up for 48 hours no sleep what-so-ever.
We all walked back over to my truck and drove back over to the forest house. I forgot to mention it's half and hour away from the normal house. When we got back we had the gang bring Lilith back over, we had a small party to celebrate Lucinda and Melissa's saving.