(shorter chap) Baby Ultima

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Aph's POV

I walked downstairs and instantly smelled the food Aaron was talking about. Pork and corn plus BREADSTICKS, the bag they were in was labeled with my name... heh he knows me so well. I grabbed my food and ate, I heard a huge splash and a lot of laughing... the pack in the pool. I put my plate in the sink and walked outside only to be welcomed by a huge splash of water. 

Dan- Sorry Alpha...

A- It's okay Daniel, but you're going to get it now!

I took off my sundress thing now wearing only my swimsuit and jumped in the pool chasing after Daniel. He did a cute little screech and started swimming around with me right behind him, the pack laughed at that one.  I chased Daniel around and dunked him a couple times and I was satisfied with that. After about and hour in the pool then jumped out to go sleep some more with the pups and Aaron. 

I took a quick shower in the downstairs bath so I wouldn't wake the kids and I walk in to see them all in wolf form. The pups wrestling and Aaron watching from the bed... that's gonna take an hour to clean. I went into wolf form and got onto the bed with Aaron...

A- How long have they been up?

Aa- Right after you left Neo wouldn't sleep the Riker was right along that with her. She is a little rebel our daughter...

A- Huh... they sure do like to play and by that I meant puppy fight. Neo is kicking his butt... that's my girl. 

Aa- She is and Ultima babe.

A- I know, but Riker is bigger than she is by a little bit... 

Aa- Yeah, she's a tough little girl and I love that. 

He licked my face and I fell asleep soon after coming into the room. I was awoken about and hour after by my pups crawling all over me, I fed them then went outside with them not leaving my side. I let them play around the pack in wolf form on the beach and let them get on my back in the shallows of the water. Even though I was huge as a wolf and they were half the size of a regular wolf, I didn't wanna take chances. 

~Little update, so after this chap it will take place back in My Street in the season 3 homes and all that jazz but KC lives with Zane and Kaitlyn lives with Travis and Dante. Zane and KC live in the house KC and Kaitlyn lived in OK!!~

Melissa's POV

The pups are sooooooo cute! Aphmau and Aaron are such good parents, and Alphas too... werewolf pups grow really quickly. Aaron and I were both talking at least a month after we were born. I just can't believe Aphmau gave birth to a female Ultima... that's gonna be easier than Aaron was especially since Aaron isn't as strict as Dad was and still it a little bit. I know for a fact that Aaron and Aphmau are gonna be great with Neo... with Aphmau's past she's gonna be the most loving mom.  

Rach- MEL!


I walked out of my room and saw my mother in a swimsuit and had a beach bag hanging on her shoulder. 

R- Aaron, Aphmau, the pups, and the pack are going up to where Aaron proposed and where the pups were born. Wanna come?

Mel- YES! I already have my swimsuit on under this, come on let's go!

We got there and I saw them all in wolf form so I shifted and joined them in the water, my mom close behind. Riker swam over to me and stood on his hind legs and rested his front paws on my leg trying to lick my face. I lowered my head and licked his head... he stumbled back and yipped then played around in the shallow water. 


~Hope you all enjoyed~


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