The Child of a Demon and an Angel

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Riker's POV

I couldn't control my own body, the man masked in black did. He looked at me and I stood straight up with my tail tucked. I tried to fight it, but it never worked... then he told me to hate my parents. I so desperately wanted to disobey him, but he said it again and again the potion took over. At least he didn't put a potion on my sister yet, maybe he won't do it at all. 

Neo's POV

When my mom flew in Riker started growling, it angered me that the man used a potion on my brother. My anger only grew more as the man came down the stairs, my mom had anger in her eyes. 

Ein- Do you remember me now, sister?

A- You are not my brother... my mother died when I was young!

E- True, but why do you think our father was gone so often. My mother had me... while you got the harsh side of him, I got all the love from Zach. I also got the werewolf in my mother... he seemed to like werewolf women huh?

A- He will never be known as my father, nor will you be my brother! You kidnapped my sister in law and tried to kill both her and Lucinda! 

E- Oh, you mean the orange haired girl that's upstairs with Kim? 

A deep growl came from my mother, purple fog covered the floor and then I didn't see her or my dad. I heard a shout come from where the man was standing, then I saw red fog... soon I saw my parents back where they were. I looked over as the fog disappeared and saw the man lying on the ground. I heard a yelp come from my brother, his eyes were back to normal...

R- Neo! I'm back, the potion wore off!

E- NO! It was supposed to work, LUCINDA!

The orange haired girl came back out with more potions, she handed them to Ein. He began to walk to my brother, the anger took over me and I blinked and became something else. I had wings and my eyes were red, I looked down and saw fire on my paws. I barked then my cage exploded into bits... I was so confused but didn't' care. I opened my wings and flew then jumped onto the man knocking him over. When I growled it didn't sound like me, it was deep and mean, I felt fire in my lungs. Something in me said kill him but before I could my mother moved me and was on top of him. Her teeth showing and over his throat, he could hear us due to him being a werewolf.


Aa- Neo, come here... 

I walked over to my father and looked at myself again, I looked like a monster. 

Aa- Neo, you must understand what you are... you are like me but it is not a bad thing. This is a gift and I want you never to see it as a burden, you have powers and are special. 

N- I know, i'm just confused on how it happened... one second I was normal then I was this. 

Aa- I understand, you were mad and protecting your brother... you went into defense mode and your inner Ultima took over. Times like this in public you must control it, when with us it is ok. 

When he said that a scream came from the strange man, there was blood on my mother. She killed him... I looked around and saw a potion bottle close to Riker. He had his head ducked as if ready for it, by killing Ein mom stopped the potion. I ran over to Riker and around the potion, I nudged his head and he looked up. 

Riker's POV

Neo looked so weird, but she looked cool at the same time... I stood up and looked around. It looked horrible, there were cage bits everywhere, there was blood and Lucinda just stood there. It was then I realized two men I knew as Zane and Garroth were here, I then heard a thud. 

L- Kim! 

As the wolves became humans we raced up the stairs to the room it came from.  When Neo became a human she still had wings and she had horns, her eyes were red. She looked like dad but a female, my dad went back to normal though. 

Aa- Neo, to go back to normal you need to see yourself as a normal werewolf. Envision yourself looking regular...

She closed her eyes and shook her head then everything disappeared. She looked like herself again, then Lucinda and Garroth came out. Garroth had Kim in his arms, she was as pale as a ghost. Her eyes were rolled back and her body was limp, she looked dead but she was only passed out... I hope. 

R- Is she...?

A- No sweety she's not dead, just passed out from being under the effects of the potion. 

G- We need to get her back to the lodge...

Aa- It's closed off but we can break the doors open, but we'll find a way nonetheless. 

_Time Skip_

We got into the building and it was dark and smelled really bad... Zane had taken Dad's truck to go get food and meds for Kim. Mom started the heater and Dad found blankets for Kim while the rest of us stayed in the lobby with her on the couch. When Zane came back we ate and tried to wake Kim up but no reply. 

About two hours later her eyes opened but they were all black... that's when the explosion filled my ears. 

~Hope you all enjoyed!~


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