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*10 Years Later*

Aphmau's POV

Aaron and I were up at the campsite(where he proposed), I was standing by the pond watching the sunset. I let my ears and tail pop out, Aaron stood by the tent. I suddenly felt arms around my waist... I looked up and kissed him. He turned me around and started talking...

Aa- Aphmau, we've been dating since high-school... we've been through a lot of bad things. But many of those times were saved for me by you just being there. Aphmau i've loved you ever since the moment I heard your voice. And I wanted to take you here just so I could do this *gets on one knee*

A- Oh my god... *hands over her mouth* *small tear of joy*

Aa- Aphmau Green, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?


I jumped into his arms and kissed him, he spun and set me down. We spent the rest of the night talking about wedding plans and telling the group and his parents. 


We packed up our thing and the tent and headed back down for the beach house. We walked hand in hand until we got to the pond we had to swim across. When we got back to the beach house we went to his parents first, 


A- We went on a little getaway, just the two of us. We wanted some privacy and not a crowded house of people for a little while. 

R- Derel, that wasn't the only reason, look at her hand.

Aa- Ah... yeah that happened too. 

A- Crap we were gonna surprise them... sorry Aaron I forgot to turn the diamond around. 

D- Congratulations Aphmau

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D- Congratulations Aphmau... and Aaron, well done. 

R- Oh it's beautiful Aaron... so that's where you went before we came to Starlight. 

Aa- Yeah... 

A- Haha... you're stuck with me now! HAHA 

I ran off laughing and Aaron chasing me upstairs to our room. I ran in and he shut the door behind him. I jumped onto the bed and he flopped down next to me, I loved this man and I was going to marry him. I rolled over and sat up right next to him, he sat up and kissed me. His hand landed on my lower back... I put my arms around his neck. 

A- If we're going to do this i'm locking the door.

Aa- I already did...

We continued kissing and it led to s#x. 

* 2 hours later*

We were on the beach with the gang, we were going to tell them about the engagement. I was giddy with excitement, Aaron leaned down and kissed me gently. We all gathered and we told them, KC literally shot up in the air and landed in the ocean. 

A- Zane, go get your girlfriend. 

Z- On it... 

He walked over and helped KC out of the water, she shivered and he gave her a towel. I totally ship that... A few hours later we had a campfire and were playing truth or dare. 

A- Dottie, truth or dare?

Dot- Um..... dare!

A- I dare you to kiss Blaze!

Dot- Alpha.... okay fine. 

She leaned over to Blaze and they kissed and my and KC's fangirl went into overload. We squealed which made them and the others stop and stare at us. 

Dot- Okay... Melissa, truth or dare?


Dot- I dare you to start and island howl!

Mel- Okay! *howls, everybody slowly joins in* There done, now... Aaron! Truth or dare?

Aa- Dare

Mel- Spend 60 seconds in heaven with Aphmau!

KC- That's what I was gonna dare them!

Mel- Beat ya to it!

Melissa's POV

They walked back up to the house to do it, I was so proud of Aaron for proposing to her. She's the best woman for him I know it. They were meant for each other... while they were gone we talked about her ring. It took them longer to come back because they had to walk back from the house. When they came back Aaron dared Zane to kiss KC in front of everyone, I'd never seen Zane move his mask!

Aaron's POV

The night was great, Aphmau and I were getting married on starlight. She was happy and my family loved her... it was the best. We stayed up until like midnight then slowly trickled into the house. Aphmau and I were the last to leave, hand in hand we walked into our room. We slept close and happy, I think this is the happiest i've ever been in a long time. It felt good to know that we were going to be with each other forever and that she'll always be by my side. 

I woke up to Aphmau rushing out of bed and to the bathroom in our room. Oh sh*t... I jumped out of bed and to her side, I pulled her hair back and she sat down on the floor. She looked up at me with her hazel eyes. She was puking again in a matter of seconds, crap... I helped her back into bed. 

A- Aaron, we both know what this means. 

Aa- Yeah... we need someone to get a test because i'm not leaving your side and you're not going anywhere. 

A- Melissa and KC, they are trustworthy of this secret. 

Aa- Okay, i'll go get Melissa... love you babe.

A- Love you too

I walked down the hall and knocked on Melissa's door, she opened it looking tired. I stepped in the door and shut it, her face realized it was important. 

Aa- Mel, I need you to stay calm okay. 

Mel- Okay

Aa- So I woke up this morning and Aph rushed out of our bed and to the bathroom pucking. She didn't eat anything to make her do that or have a reaction... we think she's----

Mel- Say no more, you want me to get a test to make sure and you don't want to leave her side because you spoil her and are letting her stay in bed. 

Aa- Yeah how'd you know?

Mel- I'm your sister, I just know these things.

Aa- Aph wants KC to know as well, can you tell her?

Mel- Yeah, i'll be back in an hour with the test because i'm getting her some food too. 

Aa- Thanks Mel, really...

Mel- Don't mention it bro

I walked back out of her room and to ours, Aphmau sat up in the bed. I sat next to her and told her that they would do it... she sighed. 

A- If I am... you know, will you be mad?

Aa- How could I be? We've both always loved the idea of having a family and now it might come true. 

A- Yeah! You're right!

~Hope you all enjoyed~


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