Before the Wedding

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Aaron's POV

I was out with Garroth and Zane when Melissa showed up and pulled me to the side. 

Aa- What's wrong, is it Aphmau?

M- Nothing's wrong with Aphmau, so Mom hired a designer for her dress and it turns out you two went to collage with her. Her name is Jenny Brown, said she had a crush on you in high school.

Aa- I remember Jenny, she was Aphmau's orientation adviser... sweet person, she was always looking to help. 

M- Yeah, just wanted to tell you. She and Aphmau are up in your room catching up and having fun. 

Aa- Thats good, hey why did Mom send us to the other side of the island to get a certain brand of sunscreen?

M- So she could give Aphmau and Jenny enough time to discuss about the dress.

Aa- Understandable, well I better get back... they're gonna think we left them at the beach. 

M- Okay, see ya later Aaron!

She left and I went back to the beach to see Zane and Garroth fighting again. I rolled my eyes and sat in a lawn chair and watched this unfold. I didn't even know what they were fighting about, so I just watched. 




Aa- GUYS! Stop fighting, what are you even fighting about?

Z- Garroth is intruding on my life with KC

G- I'm just trying to help you!

Z- I don't need help!

Aa- Garroth, let Zane do what he wants with his love life. Take it from me, you do not want to intrude on someone else's love life. It turns out horrible and ruin's the relationship, let Zane and KC do what they want together. 

Z-HA! Well it doesn't help that Ghost is obsessed with me.

Aa- That I cannot help with!

Aphmau's POV

I showed Jenny the dress I really liked, she showed me some other designs that we could throw into the dress and make it look really good. ( I couldn't find the dress by itself so it's on a person)

 ( I couldn't find the dress by itself so it's on a person)

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This is the design we ended up with and I loved it so much. She pulled out the fabric and showed me the feel of it, it was silk and so soft and amazing. Jenny smiled and put the fabric back in it's case, I told her she could stay in the extra room across the hall. I gave her a do not disturb sign so no one (Aaron) would walk in while she was working. 

J- Thank's Aphmau!

A- No thank you! This is amazing that I know you, I love the dress and the fabric. 

J- It's no problem at all Aphmau, you're really lucky you know... he's a great man.

A- I know, oh and another thing... make the dress a tiny bit bigger. I'm expecting and only a few people know, I want to announce it at the wedding. 

J- Oh of course! And congrats on that fact, what gender do you want it to be?

A- Honestly, I kind of want a boy... they are so playful and reckless so wild spirited and careless. 

J- Awe! Well i'm gonna start working on your dress. 

A- Okay! See you later Jenny!

She walked across the hall as soon as the boys came back, I went downstairs to see Aaron cooking lunch. I hugged him from behind, he turned around and kissed me. KC fangirled a tiny bit but then gained control of herself...

Aa- So, I heard Jenny is the dress designer.

A- Yep, and you have to wear purple on your tux because that is the color of the wedding! Whether you like it or not, I know you have no problem with it though because you love me!

Aa- True fact, does she know?

A- I told her to make the dress a tiny size bigger because you know what.

Z- Aphmau what are you talking about? 

Aa- The wedding, we're just talking about the colors and all. 

Z- What do you need bigger though?

A- Oh! I want the pan sizes bigger because there will be a lot of hungry werewolves there including Aaron and I... so we need more food!

Z- Oh, that makes a lot of sense actually. Well KC and I are going to watch movies in our room, BYE!

Aa- Smart thinking with the food trays bit. We actually might need to do that, you're right with the werewolf part. 

A- Yeah, speaking of food... what's for lunch?

Aa- Hamburgers, or hot dogs or both depending... the pack is coming over so Blaze is gonna barbeque for us. 

A- Sweet! I'm going swimming and i'm gonna make Dottie join me, though she'll do it anyway. 

Aa- True! Speaking of that, here they come. 

I ran over to the door to be swarmed by hugs and congrats on the being engaged to Aaron. Dottie came up to my room with me, I flopped onto the bed on my back. She looked through the closet and picked out a swimsuit for me to wear. 

She had on a matching blue one, we walked back downstairs to see Daniel jumping into the pool yelling " FOOOOD"

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She had on a matching blue one, we walked back downstairs to see Daniel jumping into the pool yelling " FOOOOD". Aaron and Blaze were talking on the edge of the pool, ( BTW Dottie and Blaze are dating!!!) one look and Dottie and I were running and jumping into the pool holding hands and yelling "TWINSSS". When we popped our heads back up the pack was laughing, then Maria jumped in and then Dianna then Aaron and Blaze. 

A- Dottie, can I ask you an important question?

D- Yea, what's up?

A- Would you be my maid of honor at the wedding?


Blaze- Good because i'm the best man at their wedding. 

We spent the afternoon in and out of the pool talking about the wedding and where to have the reception.

~Hope you all enjoyed~


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