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Aaron's POV

It's been about a week since Aphmau killed Ein and fought the ghost. Both she and Kim have been sick since then, it confused both me and Lucinda because Aphmau is Irene and Kim seemed fine after we were home for a day. I took Aph to the hospital and they said it was a magical matter and to take her to a special medical doctor. So I have been looking for at least three hours for a magic doctor, Aph was upstairs sleeping and Neo and Riker were watching T.V. in the living room.  I looked and I looked for a doctor, but found nothing. I went into the kitchen and made some  soup for Aphmau and a salad for me. I took her soup up to her and asked what she wanted to drink. When I brought her drink up she looked even more pale in just a matter of a minute. 

Aa- I'm still not finding any doctor... 

A- Did you try looking through my witchcraft phone book?

Aa- Yeah, the only ones I found are in a different country than ours. 

A- Hm...

She went silence and layed back down, I sat down beside her and put a cold rag over her forehead. 

A- Look in my high school yearbook, one of my old friends went into medical magic. I don't know if she still is but her phone number is in the back. 

I nodded and walked over to our closet, I looked through the bookcase until I came across her yearbook. I flipped it to the back and saw a phone number with the name Hyria next to it. So I pulled out my phone and dialed the number then walked out of the room to talk to her. I ended up outside after telling the kids to stay there. 

H- Hello, Hyria here!

Aa- Hi, are you magical doctor?

H- It says so on the flyer right? Aw man did she not put it on the flyer!

Aa- I didn't call from a flyer, my wife is a high school friend of yours. You put your phone number in the back of her yearbook. 


Aa- Yea, that's my wife... my name is Aaron. I went to school with you both. But she and our friend Kim are extremely sick, it's hard to explain but long story short they were both inhabited by a ghost and are deathly sick. 

H- Oh my Irene! I don't understand why Aphmau is being affected due to her being Irene. But Aaron how long have they been sick?

Aa- About a week, i've been looking for doctors for ever. 

H- Ok, I live in Meteli... it's about an hour from Phoenix Drop. Bring them here, i'll send you the address.  

Aa- Thank you so much Hyria, we'll be there soon. 

She ended the call and I went back inside.

Aa- Neo, Riker, go get in the truck... we're taking mommy to the doctor.

N- Finally! I thought we'd never find a doctor! What about Kim?

Aa- We're gonna bring her too. 

~ 1 Hour Later ~

We were in Meteli, and about five minutes from her office. Kim, Garroth, Zane, and KC were in the car behind us. Luci just teleported here to help Hyria. When we arrived at her office she came outside to see both Kim and Aphmau asleep. I picked Aphmau up and brought her inside with the kids tagging along. Garroth brought Kim in and we set them down in the beds Hyria had made up. 

H- Oh my... they look bad. 

Aa- Please do what you can for them. 

H- Oh I  can fix this, it's simply a case of haunting bounce back. It's where if they've been taken over they get a bounce back of sickness. It's easily curable, but the ingredients aren't the easiest to get. 

Aa- What do you need? I'll get it, anything for her...

H- That's nice of you but it requires going to the nether. 

Aa- Um... I don't know if you knew this but i'm a descendant of Shad.

H- OH! Perfect, all I need is a blaze rod and nether wart. 

Aa- Okay, i'll be right back... um can you watch Neo and Riker?

Luci- Yeah, we'll watch them. 

I nodded and went into a room she said I could use to make the portal. So I made the portal and entered my Great Grandfathers realm. I hated it already, but it didn't matter because Aphmau needed this. So I went into my Shad form and flew around until I found what I needed. I stayed hidden from the Shadow Knights and the Demons that walked this place. I landed to grab the nether wart and overheard a conversation. 

???- Did you hear that Shad's wife had a female Ultima?! It's crazy... I don't know how they did it but she's gonna be so HOT when she's older. 

It was clearly two young boys, I decided to reveal myself. 

Aa- You even think about touching my daughter or looking at her I will tear through you like paper. You will never be able to even see what she looks like now, because I hear word of talk like this again you won't be alive. 

???- S- sir! I- we didn't mean it... wait, WAIT! YOU'RE BACK! 

Aa- No, no i'm not... I just came to get some things for Irene. If you tell my Grandfather i'm here, I won't even see my daughter again. So keep your mouths shut, at least until I leave. 

???- Y- yes sir! 

I left them to do what they want, I grabbed some nether wart and left. When I got back to Hyria's place I gave her the things she needed. Then we waited for her to make the antidote, it was a long forty-five minutes. 

~ I'm BACK!! ~


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