Is She...??

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Aphmau's POV

I fell asleep but woke up only to puke again, Aaron wasn't in the room. But that didn't last long because he must have heard me and walked in with a bag of food and a small bag from the store on Starlight.

Aa- You okay babe?

A- I'll be okay... is that breakfast?

Aa- Yeah, you can thank Melissa for that.

A- I'll have to do that later for sure. Let me see the test please...

I took it in the bathroom and waited the three minutes that seemed like forever with Aaron. When the time was up I took it from the sink and looked at Aaron...

Aa- You nervous?

A- Should I be??

Aa- Na...

I looked at the little screen, a plus sign... I was pregnant!

A- It's a positive!

Aa- I'm gonna be a father! Holy crap i'm gonna be a dad!!!

A- I'm gonna be a mother! WOOO

I heard a knock on the door, I hid the test and went back to the bed with the food. Aaron opened the door to Melissa and KC with huge smiles on their faces. He let them in and they looked at me, I just nodded... KC went silently insane.

Mel- I'm gonna have a NIECE!

A- SHHHHHHHHH! No one else knows yet Mel!

Mel- Right sorry...

Aa- We can trust you two with this right?

Mel+KC- Yep! *giggles*

A- If you guys don't mind, I wanna eat and then sleep. 

Mel- Can we talk for just a sec?

A- Yeah sure, you two... shoo!

Aaron and KC went out of the room to do who knows what. Melissa sat next to me and took my hands in hers, I was confused. 

Mel- Aphmau, listen to me okay. Giving birth to a werewolf child is harder than humans, it will be more painful because you are carrying the Ultima's baby. It will be hard, are you ready to be put through that pain? 

A- I knew what I was getting myself into the moment Aaron and I became BF and GF, when he proposed I knew this would happen. And I am ready to do that, I love him and don't want this to ruin what we have. 

Mel- Good, now eat... and know, i'm here for you when you need me. 

A- I know, thanks Mel... really. 

Mel- No problem, i'll go get Aaron back. 

She walked out and I started to eat my food, pancakes were always my favorite food. Aaron walked back in and started to eat his food while we talked about the wedding and where we could have it. I started to look at wedding dresses while Aaron was out getting food for the whole house with Garroth. I saw one that had purple accents and I loved it, so I called Melissa and showed it to her. 

Mel- I love it! Is that the one?

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Mel- I love it! Is that the one?

A- How would we get it here, there are no wedding dress shops on Starlight and Aaron would see it if we had it flew in. 

Mel- Leave that to my mom and I *shouts for Rachel, she walks in* Mom, this is the dress she wants. We have to fly it in and keep it from Aaron...

R- I got that covered, no flying anything in. I've hired a taylor to make you whatever kind of dress you would like. This wedding is special because I don't see Melissa with a boyfriend any time soon. 

Mel- MOM!

A- *laughs* Wow! That's amazing, thank-you so much Rachel, this really means a lot to me. 

R- Don't mention it, now I sent the boys on a hunt for something on the other side of the island so i'll go get the taylor! *leaves*

A- She has her here right now! Wow, this is so much but in a good way you know.

Mel- Yeah, she's gonna make this huge... not because we have money but because she cares about you Aphmau, she told the night you announced the engagement. "I knew she was the one for him the moment she got hit by the car." Aph you don't know this but, when you were unconscious, he cried over you and he wouldn't let anyone touch him. He was so mad and sad at the same time, when they wouldn't let him back there to see you... Aphmau my father had to take him out of the hospital in fear of his eyes. They didn't believe that you two would last until that happened, Aaron went crazy without you. He really loves you Aphmau, I want you to know that.

A- Oh my god, I never knew that... you wanna know what no one else knows about that night. When I was unconscious, I was with my mother... talking to her. She told me to talk to my father and then I burst awake as Irene. It was all a blur and when I went back into my human form, I formed a connection with my mother.  

R-*walks in with a girl with white ish hair* Aphmau, this is Jenny... she will be designing your dress. 

A- Wait a minute... Jenny! As in Jenny from collage?

J- I knew I recognized your name! Holy crap, it's been so long Aphmau! So you ended up marrying Aaron huh, you're lucky I didn't steal him!

A- I don't think so, he was mine from the start! We need to catch up... while you design my dress of coarse. 

R- Well, we'll leave you to it!

~Sorry for the short chap today~

~Hope you enjoyed~


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