KC and Zane

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~Saw this and wanted to put it in the chap!~

Zane's POV

After Aphmau and Aaron left we started to move Katelyn out of her old place and in with Travis and Dante. After that was all done I moved my things into the house... I got a call from Aaron a little later. 

Aa- Hey, we're all going over to Travis' place for a little while. He's having a small party or something, wanna come?

Z- Yeah we're in, what about the kids?

Aa- Zoey's coming over to watch them and stuff... they love her decorating skills so yeah. 

Z- What time does it start?

Aa- In like an hour or so, that's what I was told. 

Z- Okay see you guys there...

I threw my phone onto the bed then walked downstairs to see KC looking in the fridge. 

Z- Aaron just called and said Travis is throwing a sort of party... I told him we'd be there. 

KC- Oh fun, let me bake some cookies really quick though! I am not going to a party without my cookies for everyone!

I chuckled and kissed her on the cheek, I told her I would be right back that I was going to the store. Where I was really going was to pick up the ring I got her. Well us actually, they're magnetic rings... one for me and one for her. 

(The rose gold is pink)

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(The rose gold is pink)

After I picked them up I ran to the store and grabbed some food for the week. When I got back home the whole house smelled like double chocolate cookies. I put the ring case in my pocket then put the food away. Once the cookies cooled and put into a container we walked over to the 'party' at Travis' place. We walked in to see a lot of our friends having fun and just chilling with each other. 

|2 hours later|

KC and I were sitting on the couch, I took her and in mine and led her outside. We sat facing each other, I took the rings out of my pocket.

Z- Nana... these are promise rings, my promise is to one day give you a bigger ring. A ring that you will wear on our wedding day, something to let people know that you're mine. These rings ensure that I will ask you to marry me, will you wear this ring?

KC- I... yes, thank-you... I love you Zane~Kun.

Z- I love you too... 

We hugged but I surprised her and kissed her, we kissed back and forth for at least three minutes. We eventually got up and went back into the party, I saw that Aaron and Aphmau left. We both assumed they went back for the kids, the others were starting to leave so KC and I went back to the house. 

She and I both changed into pajamas then settled on the couch for a Netflix and chill kind of thing. 


I woke up on the couch with KC leaning against me snoring softly, it was adorable. I took her upstairs and put her in our bed to let her sleep. I walked back downstairs and made breakfast for both of us. About half an hour later she walked downstairs looking ready for the day, showered and ready. I told her breakfast was in the fridge, she squealed and ran for the kitchen. 

~ 1 hour later ~

KC and I were headed over to Aphmau and Aaron's house just to hang out and stuff. Aaron and the kids were in the forest right behind the house in wolf form nowhere in near sight. The rest of us were on the porch just chilling.

KC- Aphmau... there's a wolf right there, and it doesn't look like Aaron or the kids!

Aphmau and I looked over to the woods, she laughed a little bit.

A- Neo, get out here!

The wolf transformed into Neo, but her wolf form looked different... (eyes are black)

Z- Wait, but her wolf form isn't the same as when she was born?

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Z- Wait, but her wolf form isn't the same as when she was born?

N- That was my pups coat, Riker lost his too...

As if on cue, another wolf appeared out of the woods and turned into Riker...

As if on cue, another wolf appeared out of the woods and turned into Riker

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KC- NEO! You scared me!

N- Sorry... Riker, where's Dad?

R- I don't know, he was behind me...

Aa- You guys really need to work on your senses...

R- OMI DAD, how do you do that!

A- He's not the only one that can do it, you two just need to work on sensing things. 


~Hope you enjoyed~


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