The Pups

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~ Little heads up! So time has passed and so werewolf pups develop faster so it has been a month and a half. Aph is giving birth in this chap sooooo yeah thaaanks!~

Aaron's POV

Aphmau is due any time now an she is in bed and i'm out getting her lunch. I walked out with the food when Melissa called me:


Aa- What's wrong?! Is she hurt?


Melissa's POV

The phone went silent then I heard a crash and the call ended... he dropped in and went into wolf form to find her. That was my best bet so we went down to the restaurant and there his phone was, along with Aphmau's lunch. What I didn't tell Aaron was that she had been in some real pain when he left, she blocked that sense with magic. So basically since Aaron is Aphmau's mate he can sense when she's in pain and when she is passing out and so on, she used some kind of spell and hid that. She yelped and then just transformed without a word and jumped out the window. 

Aphmau's POV

I bolted for the place Aaron proposed to me, the spell wore off and I could tell he knew where I was. In a matter of one minute Aaron was at my side in wolf form, I was hit with a wave of pain and fell onto him. He supported me though and helped me lay down, I was hit by pain every minute. Eventually I could tell that my water broke... and the pain was consistent, but I looked back and saw two puppies. One girl and one boy, I had twins! I looked at Aaron and he looked at me with his loving eyes.  

I crawled over to my puppies and Aaron did the same, the girl was black and red with black eyes... a female Ultima!?!

A- Aaron, are you seeing this?

Aa- Yeah, you just gave birth to the most rare creature in the world! It's very rare and it hasn't happened in centuries. 

A- She has your eyes...

Aa- The boy looks like you, even his eyes are the beautiful carmel, the purple markings...

( Okay so the first photo is the boy but make the markings purple and the eyes like Aph's okay cuz I couldn't find the photo I wanted and also on the second photo the wings are hidden. And imagine them both as pups )

 And imagine them both as pups )

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I stood up after a while to regain a bit of my strength, Aaron and I both picked up a pup

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I stood up after a while to regain a bit of my strength, Aaron and I both picked up a pup. We decided to name the boy Riker and the girl Neo. I picked up Neo and Aaron picked up Riker... we started to walk for the house, halfway there we were greeted by Viv and the pack in wolf form. 

V- Hello Alphas! OOOHH the pups are soooo cute!

Mae- Congratulations Alpha! 

Dot- OOOOOHHHH Blaze loooook! They're soooo cute!!!! 

Bl- Dottie don't go crazy... last time you saw pups you fainted. 

Aaron and I walked back to the beach house with the pups and the pack behind us. When we got there Melissa came rushing out the door and was quickly in wolf form as were Rachel and Derek. I layed down and set Neo down, she pranced over to Aaron and looked up at Rider and her father. Aaron set Riker down and he joined Neo in wrestling or attempting to anyways. 

Mel- Congratulations! They're beautiful and so precious and adorable. 

Aa- Thanks, but I really think Aph should rest... she was in some serious pain. 

Mel- Yeah, you might have to stay in wolf form though, the pups don't know how to shift forms. 

A- Oh I knew that... there will be occasions I go into human form and have Aaron watch the pups though. Right Aaron?

Aa- Yes, you can't stay a wolf for forever...

R- Lets get you all inside... there's a meal in the kitchen waiting us. 


A- HEY! Watch your yelling! There are newborns here, with sensitive ears!

The Pack- Sorry Alpha...

A- It's okay... but yeah food lets go! 

We walked in and I went into human form and picked up the pups, I carried them to the bed and just slept with them curled up in my arms.

Aaron's POV

I finished eating and walked upstairs with Aph's food only to see her curled up in bed with the pups snuggled up to her chest. I chuckled and took the food back downstairs and gave it to Daniel...

~ 1 hour later ~

I walked back upstairs to wake Aph up, she groaned and just rolled over. Her eyes fluttered then she looked up at me then down at the pups who were now stirring. She sat up and rubbed her eyes...

Aa- Babe, there is food in the fridge... I'll watch the pups okay. Go swim with the pack it will help you relax a bit. 

A- Uhg... okay, love you and thanks. 

Aa- Love you too, now go eat because Mexico can hear your stomach growling. 

A-Yeah yeah, see you later. 

She walked out and I went into wolf form and picked up the pups, I went to grab Neo and she literally squirmed away from me. Typical Ultima behaviour... a little rebel, my little rebel, our little rebel. 

~Hope you all enjoyed~


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