The AfterMath

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*Don't play song*

Aaron's POV

She looks so beautiful, and she's my wife now... no one else can have her but me. We were dancing on the dance floor when she looked up from resting her head on my shoulder.

A- Aaron, will you ever love another girl?

Aa- Yes...

A- Oh really!

Aa- And she will call you mommy... if that's okay with you.

A- Why yes it is... speaking of that, do you wanna know the gender? I made an appointment in a week and a half to see because werewolf babies develop quicker.

Aa- I don't know, do you want to know the gender?

A- Yes I do...

Aa- Well then so do I, what you want in life I want in life.

A- Awe, that's so sweet!

____2 hours later___

We had finished eating and ended up playing random games with the pack once everyone else left. Aphmau sat at my side while we played balloon volleyball with one of the leftover balloons from the party. Dottie passed it to Aphmau and she passed it over to Mae, she had to move forward a little from resting on Daniel to hit it over to Maria who spiked it to Rylan with June resting next to him.

We played that game until Melissa suggested playing "Who Is It?" it's a game where you blindfold someone and turn them in a random direction. The first person they bump they have to say "Who Is It?" then that person must say something in a weird voice. So we decided to play that, the pack decided that Melissa should go first because she suggested it. So we all stood up and put Melissa in the middle with a blindfold on, Aphmau stepped out and spun her. Mel landed in front of one of the earliest members; Vivianna... in a weird child like voice she said: HEY! Why'd you bump into me like that missy! We all laughed a bit and continued to play.

~Backstory to Viv~

She was born without a father or rather 2 mothers. She has two different colored eyes, one orange and one blue. Her hair is a cyan type blue with bits of dark gray in it.

 Her hair is a cyan type blue with bits of dark gray in it

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Her hair looks like this and her style/ look is:

She was bullied in school because of her two mothers, she did have friends but at the end of her high-school years they moved to Falcon Claw and she attended University there with Aaron and Aphmau

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She was bullied in school because of her two mothers, she did have friends but at the end of her high-school years they moved to Falcon Claw and she attended University there with Aaron and Aphmau. She majored in music and singing, she covered a song by Jordan Sweeto called I'll Save You. *comment if you knew who he was before hand!!!*

~ End of backstory~

Aphmau's POV

Viv and I wanted to sing but we couldn't figure out what to sing. We scrolled through her phone and we both stopped at the song Say Amen by Panic! At The Disco. She hit the play button and we started singing... the group went silent when we hit the high note at the end of the song.

Aa- I warned you... she's always been able to hit the high notes.

M- I'm aware of that, but I didn't know she could go that high! And Viv, DAYUM GIRL... that high note when you two were just like SATURDAAAAYAAAAAYYY!

V- Awe thanks, I am a first soprano and  it means a lot to be noticed for my voice!

A- Your voice is really pretty Viv, we should sing together more often.

V- I agree! Wanna sing another song?

A- YES! Let's sing i'll save you!!

Play song

I've seen that look before
I've worn it all too well
It's hard to comprehend how far that I have fell
But I have found a place that I can call my own
And I could take you there
Why should you be alone?

No need to hesitate
What are we waiting for?
I know you're what I'm looking for

Oh baby, tear down the night sky
And I'll save you
From your mundane life
Yeah, I'll hold the door
You take the stage light
If you want it more
Tear down the night sky
And I'll save you
From your mundane life
Yeah, I'll hold the door
You take the stage light
'Cause I've found the cure
You're what I'm looking for

Now if we stay right here, we'll always be this young
I'll never leave your side, you'll never have to run
And I can feel your heart as you lay by my side
Your eyes are all I know
This world where I reside

No need to hesitate
What are we waiting for?
I know you're what I'm looking for

Oh baby, tear down the night sky
And I'll save you
From your mundane life
Yeah, I'll hold the door
You take the stage light
If you want it more
Tear down the night sky
And I'll save you
From your mundane life
Yeah, I'll hold the door
You take the stage light
'Cause I've found the cure
You're what I'm looking for

And I can be your light when all you know is fear
(And I can take you there, and I can take you there)
And I can lift you up, far from these fallen tears
(And I can take you there, and I can take you there)
Why should we hesitate?
What are we waiting for?
(And I can take you there, and I can take you there, and I can take you there)

Oh baby, tear down the night sky
And I'll save you
From your mundane life
Yeah, I'll hold the door
You take the stage light
If you want it more
Tear down the night sky
And I'll save you
From your mundane life
Yeah, I'll hold the door
You take the stage light
'Cause I've found the cure
You're what I'm looking for

Yeah, you're what I'm looking for

After that song we all ended up doing some random singing with Aph and Viv taking every high note there could be. We stayed up until sunrise doing random things and even talking about high school and college. I think that was the best time i've had since the day Aph and I kissed for the first time. It was the best day of my life and the only thing that will beat it is the day my wife gives birth to our child. 

~Hope you all enjoyed~


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