Chapter Thirteen

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"Then give him a call." She says handing me my phone, "that's all you have to do."

I nod my head and grab the phone out of Devyns hand. I flip it in my hand trying to stall. She puts her hand over mine and I look up at her. She nods her head at me and I sigh turning it on and pushing on my contacts.

I scroll down until I see Sam's name and push call wanting this to be over. Listening to it ring and ring it starts making me nervous until I hear the voice I've been wanting to hear.

"Hello?" Sam says quietly. I nod at Devyn. She smiles as she stands up and walks out of my room.

"Sam?" I say quietly. I hear him breath in before he talks again.

"Colby? It hasn't been a month yet." He says. I hear him move around before it finally goes quiet. His breathing the only thing you can hear.

"I know but something happened and you need to know. It couldn't wait for three weeks." I say dragging my hand over my face.

"Did....did you have a set back?"

"No. No. I'm actually fine. I barley see the therapist now. I'm good."

"Then what is it?" Sam says with worry in his voice. I look around my room trying to find the right words but all I can say is his name.

"Brennen." I finally breath out. I feel my throat get tight as I even think about what happened, "It's Brennen."

"Is he okay?"

"Yep." I say laughing coldly, "he's just fine but I'm not." I say rolling over on my bed.

"What do you mean?"

"He was drunk. I took him home. He wanted me to stay so I slept on the floor. He.....he was getting sober and took advantage of me." I say my eyes watering, "I - I told him to stop....and he didn't. He just didn't. He hurt me........" I say wiping my eyes, "I'm sorry." I whisper. I hear nothing on the other side of the phone so I start getting nervous.

"Sam?" I asks quietly.

"He raped you." Sam says quietly. So quiet that I could barley even hear him, "what...what else did he, uh, do?"

"Hit me. Grabbed me. Just stuff like that." I tell him. I hear him sigh and I knew what his face would look right now. Angry.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks. I nod my head but then realize he can't even see me.

"Yeah. I mean....I'll be fine. Just trying to act like it never even happened."

"Don't hurt your self from it."

"I won't. I won't. If I need to cry I'll cry. If I need to talk about it I will." I tell him, "How's your leg?" I ask trying to get off topic.

"Great. The new leg is awesome and I can walk fine too." Sam says very happy. I smile to my self and sigh.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"I just missed you." I say quietly.

"I miss you too." Sam says, "I have to go now. I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay. I lo---- bye." I say forgetting we aren't together.

"I love you too, Colby." Sam says before he hangs up. I smile and lay my phone down before going go bed with Sam on my mind.

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