Chapter Fourteen

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After another day goes by I start getting ready for my 2:30 appointment with my doctor. After my and Sam's phone call he texted me saying that we should go back to regular terms and recover more but if I ever need him then I shouldn't hesitate to call.

Which right now, I honestly don't need anyone. Not in a selfish or depressed way but yes, I'm still hurting from Brennen but at the same time I feel fine and I can tell I'm not going to go back in a deep hole once again.

Walking down stairs I see all the roommates playing games. I walk in the living room for a quick hi.

"Where you headed to?" Elton ask looking away from the game for a quick second before putting his attention back to the bright screen.

"Appointment with my therapist. I'll be back around four." I tell the roommates.

"Don't answer drunk calls after words." Corey says looking at me with a joking but serious look with worry in his eyes too.

"I won't. Promise. I'll be back at four. We can all go to panda afterwords?"

"I'm up for it." Jake says and so do the rest of the roommates. I nod my head and say bye before walking out of the house and towards my car ready for this appointment.


Just a filler chapter. The next one will be longer

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