New friends...Kinda?

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"Belmore, Lana"
My breath hitched and my heart pounded. I delicately walked up to the stool sitting down and looking at my bracelet. I closed my eyes the moment the hat was placed ontop of my head. Seconds  felt like years until...
I let out the breath i was still holding and made my way over to the hufflepuff table smiling brightly and slightly blushing as they applauded and congratulated me as i went to sit at the end of the table. I felt someone staring at me and looked back, searching the room until i fell upon familiar calculating blue eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to my right.
"The names Abbott. Patricia Abbott. Also a first year, though i guess you knew that" she said with a gentle smile hand outstretched. Patricia was pretty, long wavy blonde hair,  emerald eyes, petite. I smiled back.
"Lana Belmore " taking her hand and shaking it. "Pleasure to meet you"
"I think we're going to be good friends Lana!" I Smiled knowing I'd made my first friend, unaware of the glare that had only just left my direction. Headmaster Dippet finished his speech and a large feast appeared in front of us. My eyes widened with excitement as i loaded up my plate. We continued chatting as we finished dinner and were shown to our common rooms. The hufflepuff common room was cute and cozy. It brought a smile to my face as i looked around. It was now 9pm and everyone headed to their dorms. I shared my dorm with Patricia, Ofelia Greene, and Molly Wright. Tomorrow was Friday and our first day of lessons. I simply couldn't wait.  I changed into my pj's and cuddled up with Celeste. Her gentle purr lulling me to sleep.

~~~~》》September 2nd》》~~~~

The sun beamed brightly into the dorm, waking me from my slumber. I get up, smile on my face, confident for the day ahead of me. My roommates were asleep so i quietly made my way to our shared bathroom getting dressed and heading down to the great hall for breakfast. Hoping i don't get lost along the way. As i step out of the portrait leading from the common room to the castle hall i notice a few other students making their way to what i assumed was going to be the great hall. I followed them as i took in the beauty around me. So many portraits,  i wondered who they all were. Before i knew it I'd arrived. I opened the large doors, with slight difficulty, and made my way to the hufflepuff table. Not many people were up just yet, so the hall wasnt very crowded. I had gotten a blueberry crepe and a glass of pumpkin juice. Id just taken my first bite when i heard my name be called from my left. I glanced over trying to finish my bite as professor Dumbledore made his way to me. I started to stand.
"That won't be necessary miss Belmore, please sit. I came by to hand you your schedule for this school year. " He said smiling at me with the friendliest smile you could imagine.
"Thank you sir!" I replied, gently taking my schedule, smiling brightly back at him. After that he bid me a farewell and went to deliver the rest of the schedules. I glanced down at mine while continuing to eat breakfast.

History of Magic

When I finished breakfast and looked back up, the dining hall was almost full. Taking a deep breath i decided i should try to find my first class early in case i got lost. The halls were now full. I tugged my bag closer as i made my way through the crowds of people headed in every direction. Before i knew it i was shoved aside and fell into none other than.... Tom.
I hurried off of him, a blush strong on my cheeks,  picking up my schedule as he picked himself up and brushed his pants off.
"Im so...." i started.
"I should hope you're not turning this into a habit Belmore." He replied coldly, not even bothering to look in my direction.
"Im sorry...." i almost whispered, looking at the ground. He glanced up at me, then raised his eyebrow.
"You shouldn't be so effected by how a stranger treats you ya know.  It makes you seem weak."
"I.... well... you're not really a stranger.." i said meekly.
He looked at me with a harsh glare.
"You know nothing about me. So yes, i am a stranger. And i hope to keep it that way. " the bell rang alerting us that classes have begun. "Great" he groans "late on the first day" and with one final glare, he vanished. I proceeded to class. Wondering what I'd done top make him hate me... Was it me?.. Or did the world make him This way.. Come to think of it, i hadn't seen him talk to anyone since the start of school. Then again, today's really the first actual day. I shook my head and drew myself from mt thoughts to focus on charms class.


I made it to class just before the bell rang. Looking around there was only one seat left. I hesitated for a moment before walking over to it. As i got there i avoided eye contact with the person who shares the desk with me and pulling the chair as far to the left as i can. I sat down my vision fixated on the book infront of me. Earning a side glance from, as I'm sure you've guessed it, Tom. A glance that, unknown to me, would continue throughout the class. The teacher, Horace Slughorn, announced that we were teamed with our desk partners for the whole year, which I'm sure is the last thing Tom would want. It was at that moment that something inside of me ignited. Determination. I was going to know Tom Riddle, no matter how impossible it seems. I was determined to befriend him and maybe even heal the pain that i saw in his eyes.  He tried to hide it. And to most I'm sure it works. But i was so observant and way too determined to miss it.

Midway through the class the teacher told us to attempt to brew a cure for boils. I gathered the ingredients.

4 horned slugs
2 porcupine quills
6 snake fangs

Tom instantly grabbed the snake fangs and tossed them into the mortar. Working on them until they were a fine powder. When he was finished he put 4 measures into the cauldron as i ignited it. We sat in silence as the potion calls for the fangs to brew for 45 minutes. I looked over curiously,  only to see Tom reading.
"What is that you're reading? You seem very interested" i asked smiling gently.  He glanced up at me, eyebrow raised yet again, curiosity softly present on his face as he states in a tone he'd yet to use with me
"It's a book on the dark arts. It is indeed very interesting miss Belmore"
I was about to ask more about it when i realized it was time to add the other ingredients. I tossed in the slugs and quils then began to stir it clockwise, carefully counting every round. When i had just gotten to 5 the teacher was coming around to check everyone's potions. When he got to ours he looked it over and smiled.
"Absolutely perfect!  Fantastic job miss Belmore, mister Riddle"

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