two steps back, one step forward

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~Tom's POV~
I was sitting on the window sill in my room. Suffocating in boredom in these early hours. It was 6 am on the morning of my birthday. I was glancing at the blank dungeon themed wall when suddenly I hear an annoying tap at the window. I slowly glanced over to see what the noise was only to spot an owl carrying a neatly wrapped package. I opened the window and it dropped the package off at my bed before swiftly exiting the room, returning to wherever it came from. I glared at the package momentarily, curiosity running through me. I notice the parchment tied at the top.

Happy Birthday, Tom!
I know it's not much but I hope that you like what I've gotten you!
Lana ♥

I scoffed and tossed it in the trash before unwrapping the package.
'Of course, sweets. A generic go-to gift.' I thought, rolling my eyes and tossing it in the trash as well. What I saw next wasn't a bad guess for a gift for someone like myself. It was simple. A leather journal, some gold accents on the edges. When I flipped it over, something caught my eye.
'Tom Marvolo Riddle'
I sat there staring at the journal for who knows how long before throwing it in my bag. I run my hand through my hair in frustration.
"What is with this girl?! Why won't she just give up!"

~Lana's POV~

It was the last day of Christmas break. I'll admit, I'm definitely going to miss Papa, but I was looking forward to seeing how Tom liked his gifts as well. I got dressed and packed my bag before headed downstairs. As I entered the kitchen my father shoo'd me out and towards the door.
"Sorry Lana but were running late! No time for breakfast love."
I frowned slightly but did as he said. When we arrived I hugged papa tightly as we said our goodbyes. I found the compartment with my friends and we spent the ride laughing and sharing our stories from the holiday. We arrived and I rushed off of the train. I couldn't wait to get inside the castle, eat, and see Tom. As I walked into the great hall, my eyes instantly fall upon a certain raven haired boy, who seemed to be ignoring everyone and everything around him. I smiled slightly and made myself to my table before diving into my plate of food. As I finished my plate my attention is turned in the direction of the doors as I see a glimpse of, what I thought to be just the person I wanted to talk to. I ran over to the doors just as they were about to completely close, snatching them open again and darted towards the familiar figure ahead.
"Tom! Wait up!"
He stops, turning to look at me, irritation clear in his features. I stop beside him, hands on my knees trying to catch my breath.
"How... Was your holiday?"
Standing up and smiling brightly at him. He started back up, in the direction of what looked to be the whomping willow.
"Very uneventful miss Belmore. Did you need anything or were you just stopping me for mindless chatter."
I stared at my feet, a slight blush appearing on my cheeks, as we arrived at his destination. I played with the bottom of my shirt nervously.
"O-oh... Well, actually.... I-I.... I was wondering if you liked the presents I got you, for your birthday I mean.. You don't have a family, and I never really see you talking to other students, so I wasn't sure if you were going to get anything... I know it wasn't much, but I wanted to make sure you got something special..."
We stood in silence for a moment, tension thick in the air. Suddenly he turned, marching his way towards me, anger in his eyes.
"That, Belmore, is because I have no want to socialize with people lesser than I. As for you, you're the worst of the lot. You just never seem to get when to give up! I've seen your grades Lana, I know you aren't that dumb. Stop pittying me and just leave me be. I don't need friends or family. I certainly don't need you, and this.."
Tears start filling up my eyes. He pulls out the journal and holds it up to my face.
"Is honestly your most pathetic attempt yet. Why would I want something from you. You don't know me. And I certainly don't need your stupid pity gifts and friendship."
He throws it at the tree in disgust as the tears start to flow down my face.
"Im.... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry that you think I'm acting out of pity... But I'm not. I care Tom... And you can say I'm stupid for it... But I truly, just wanted to be your friend... I never wanted this to upset you.. I'm so sorry..."
I ran as fast as I could to my dorm. Collapsing onto my bed. breaking down into my pillow and eventually drifting into sleep.

~Tom's POV~
I stared blankly at Lana, running away in tears. Trying to wrap my mind around her words.
'I care Tom... And you can say I'm stupid for it... But I truly, just wanted to be your friend... '
I ruffled my hair more frustrated than ever.
"She doesn't even know me. All I've ever been is cruel to her. What kind of fool would genuinely care for someone like that?"
I slammed back into the tree before sinking down to the ground. My hand landed on something smooth. I glanced at the object. The journal...
'Why.. Why do you care Lana.... I can't feel, can't love... It's the benefit of being conceived while one parent was under the effects of the love potion.. My heart is a dark place, so what's there to care about.. '
I picked up the journal, placing it in my lap while glaring at it.
'And why can't I seem to just toss this... It's just some stupid gift from a silly girl who is too naive for her own good..'
I sat there, unmoving, until almost curfew. I stood up, brushing off the journal and stuffing it in my bag before heading to my down for the night.

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