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The next few months
went by very similar to the first day. Everyday in potions I'd try to get a little bit closer. Most days being shut down. I gave him space in history of magic and transfiguration. I knew that if i was going to get through to Tom, i had to let him have his space. Though most days i would catch him near by, glaring and calculating in my direction. I figured it was his way of trying to figure out what i was up to and if he let me in would he regret it. That's how he was. He calculated everything closely. Weighing the options and choosing the smartest option. I was determined to prove to him that letting me in would be a very wise and beneficial choice. One day he was rather out of character. He sat beside me while i was reading outside. He didn't say a word. I glanced over at him curiously. The moment my eyes met with his, i was frozen. It was if i was in a trance.  All of these thoughts and memories regarding Tom and i were flying around. no matter what, i couldn't break contact.  He was determined to see everything that i might have thought about him up until now. I had realized that Tom had been using the charm Legilimency. I had no idea he had been so practiced, though i hadn't learned any countering techniques for it. I honestly didn't expect to ever need any. Tom never ceases to amaze.  When he was done he stood up. Not uttering a single word, before leaving. I'd hoped seeing that i truly cared and wanted to befriend him would help me in my mission. After that he avoided me for about a week. He even went as far as skipping potions class. Maybe he didnt like what he saw. I couldn't imagine why. I truly wanted to be a part of his life. I cared for him,  whether he returned the favor or not. I didnt care. I just wanted him to have someone who loves him. Who, maybe oneday, can make him happy. Even if just a little. No one deserved the isolation and loneliness that Tom lived with on a daily basis.
It was a Saturday in late January. I headed down to the great hall for breakfast with Patricia.
"Im going to confront Tom today."
I said not looking up from my plate.
"Have you gone absolutely bonkers Lana?! That guy is nothing but trouble. I wouldn't put it past him to hurt you without a second thought."
"He wouldn't do that Patricia. If Tom wanted to hurt me,  i think he would have done it by now. After all, he's very intelligent, he could easily sabotage a potion oneday and say i accidentally messed it up. But he hasn't. I think maybe, im getting through to him. Maybe it's not much. Maybe he doesnt want to admit it. But deep down, i think im starting to make a difference."
"I sure hope you know what you're doing Lana."
I decided to try and see if i could find Tom. I was wandering around the castle grounds when i saw a figure down by the whomping willow. As if on instinct my body was already making its way to the tree, automatically knowing it was who i had been searching for. I quietly made my way over to the tree and for a split second saw Tom writing something in a journal. I couldn't get a good glance at it before he immediately slammed it shut and shoved it in his bag.
"It's impolite to spy on someone Belmore."
"I wasn't spying, i simply saw you sitting alone here and thought I'd join you. "
"That was the point of me sitting here. To be alone. "
I sat beside him, legs crossed, hands on my knees. I was staring off ahead of me.
"Hey Tom, can i ask you something personal?"
"If you must."
"Why do you act so coldly towards everyone. What could you possibly lose from allowing someone to be close to you?"
"Look, i was conceived under a love potion. Those in that particular situation can not feel, nor can they love. You're wasting your time trying to befriend me."
"But that's only a theory Tom."
He snapped his head towards me, taking in everything i was about to say. Glaring at me the whole time.
"It has never been proven. And if it were true, you wouldn't be so frustrated and annoyed with me. That's feeling something. I bet if you let someone in, you'd surprise yourself. I bet they could even make you smile."
I looked at him, determination written all over my face.
"I hope to one day be that person. And i won't stop trying, because if one day you do let me in, all the work and dedication and heart ache will have been worth it."
"And what if your dedication were the exact reason i killed you?"
"But you won't."
I looked up at the sky taking in a deep breath before standing.
"Enjoy your Saturday afternoon Tom."
And with that i left him to try and figure out my words.

~Tom's POV~
I sat there glaring at the spot where Lana had just been sitting.
'Just who does she think she is?! Challenging me like that. I should kill her just for that!'
I glanced over at my bag.
'Who am I kidding. I couldn't even throw away this stupid gift. What is it about this pathetic halfblood that keeps her under my skin?!'
The more i thought on it, the more angry i became. Not only at her but at myself.
"Im not supposed to feel. Im supposed to hate everyone with ease. So why?? Why cant i see myself killing this foolish girl. Is it possible, shes correct? Are the stories of conception under said potion only a theory.  Regardless, i refuse to let her stand in the way of my plans. If it comes down to it, i will kill you Lana Belmore. '

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