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As it turns out I have two more classes with Tom. Transfiguration and herbology. I arrived early to transfiguration and found a seat about 2 rows away from the front. Setting my bag on the back of the chair I glanced around before sitting down and waiting for class to start. Students arrived a few at a time, sitting beside me was a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. The Slytherin looked like he could have been a 3rd year or so from how tall he was. He had short curly blonde hair. Bright green eyes, they almost seemed unnatural. He was undeniably very handsome. I turned to him smiling as I extended my hand
"Hi! I'm Lana!"
He looked over at me, disgust clear on his face. He scoffed, rolling his eyes before turning his attention back to the front. My smile faltered slightly before hesitantly turning to the other student beside me. She looked nice. Long straight brown hair. Tan skin, slightly freckled. Light brown eyes. Once again I extended my hand, smiling brightly.
"Hi! I'm Lana. Lana Belmore."
She turned smiling sweetly while taking my hand in hers.
"Pleasure to meet you Lana! My name is Evelyn Davenport."
Evelyn and I chatted for a bit until the Professor Dumbledore started our lesson. We were given a pretty easy task, sounded it anyway. Turning a match into a needle. We each practiced, most having issues. Soon after starting, however, my attention was caught by the boy in front of me, who was already being praised by the professor. Within seconds Tom had managed the spell perfectly. I stared in amazement before focusing back on the task at hand. After what felt like forever id finally managed to turn it just as the bell rang. I packed my bag and started to head to herbology, noticing that a certain boy headed in the same direction. I sped up a little to catch up with him
He continued as if he'd not heard me. When I finally caught up with him I tapped his shoulder gently smiling wide.
"Are you headed to Herbology?"
He glanced at me with a small nod as he kept walking.
"So am I! I wonder if we will have any more classes together. Do you have history of magic next?"
"No" he replied not looking at me.
"Oh. I don't suppose you have flying last either do you?"
"No, I don't."
"Well at least we have some classes together," I said smiling brightly. After a moment of silence, I decided to continue.
"You were fantastic by the way!"
He looked over with one eyebrow raised, slight curiosity showing.
"In transfiguration I mean. " I answered his silent question with a small smile I continued looking forward as we reached herbology. "You're a very talented wizard. It amazes me that this is also your first day. I'm pretty jealous ya know." Giggling slightly I continued. "Maybe you can tutor me one day" he scoffed at the thought. Why would he even bother trying to teach a simple Hufflepuff? With that they split up and class began. They were learning about valerian. Apparently it can be used in potions such as Draught of Living Death, Draught of Peace, and Forgetfulness Potion. Occasionally glancing over at Tom. I'm not sure what it is about him, but I find him so fascinating. He is cold and calculating. He pays no mind to what's going on around him. Almost as if he's detached himself from everyone and everything. I wondered if it was all just a big facade. As I looked away I could have sworn I saw his eyes dart in my direction. The rest of the day went pretty well. I managed to call my broom fairly easy along with levitating a few feet from the ground. Dinner was filled with laughter as Patricia, Ofelia, Molly and I compared days. Patricia nearly set fire during potions when she put in the wrong ingredient while gawking at a Ravenclaw boy. Before we knew it, it was time to head to our dorms. I made my way to the shared bathroom after grabbing some pajamas. I changed clothes and braided my hair. As soon as I sat down I grabbed a quill and some parchment.

I miss you so much! You were right about Hogwarts. It's absolutely breathtaking! Oh! And guess what! I was sorted into Hufflepuff! Just like you! I was so nervous when they called my name. I've made a few friends as well. A few are Hufflepuffs, my dorm mates actually! Patricia Abbott, Ofelia Greene, and Molly Wright. Then I met Evelyn Davenport in potions. She's a Ravenclaw, and so kind. I also met a boy, who is rather strange really. Actually, he's the reason I got distracted in front of Olivanders. His name is Tom Riddle. He's a Slytherin. We've three classes together. We've even been partnered in potions. I don't think he likes me very much though. Maybe one day that'll change. Anyway I miss you so much! I can't wait to hear from you.
I love you.

I tied a ribbon around it and put it in the bedside table. I'd go to the owlry tomorrow and send it to father. I laid in bed with a small smile as i drifted off to sleep.

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