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You quickly make your way back to Fairy Tail with Joy in your arms. Jet and Droy left without you since you wanted to warn some locals of the attack on the council and warned them to leave the city. Sting went back to Sabertooth and told him to be on stand by if Fairy Tail needed the help.

"Joy I'm not liking the sound of this battle" you confess to her.

"Me either, it really seems like this guild is not playing around I'm super worried!" Joy says as she holds on to you tightly.

You pick up the pace towards the guild hoping you weren't to late to the battle. As you run you smell a presence near by and you stop.

"(Y/N) you okay??" Joy asks getting out your arms.

"Shh! Someone's her- AHHHHH!" You yell out in pain as an arrow lands in your shoulder.

"(Y/N) No!" You hear Joy scream out but the world was suddenly getting dizzy and fuzzy.

"Joy r-runn~...." You feel yourself say but your not even sure it even came out, the last thing you see is Joy turning into a tiger then a yellow mustard colored figure tackling her and inserting a shot into her.

Then everything fades to black.


A ringing in your ears causes you pain as you wake up but, where are you exactly?

You groan out in pain and try to move but hear the sound of metal shackles. Your eyes widen as you take in your dark and gloomy surroundings.

Your whole body was pinned to a wall and your wrist and ankles in shackles connected to the wall.

"Hello?" You call out.

"Oh Boy shes finally awake ehehehe!" A cheerful cringey voice says. A girl with black hair and bunny ears comes into view.

"Who are you?!" You wrestle in your chains. You slightly wince in pain from your shoulder.

"Oh calm down you ugly wrench! Franmalth shes awake!" The girl says jumping up and down.

A spiked yellow demon pops in the room and gets in your face. You look away and make small noises of fear.

"Your afraid aren't you little dragon slayer?" Franmalth spats out to you getting closer.

You don't respond holding your tongue.

"She's not much of a talker is she Lamy?" Franmalth speaks out to the girl which you assume is Lamy.

"Oh but that gorgeous hunk of a demon Dacre will get her to speak ehehehe, I've been improving him all day." Lamy giggles crazily.

Who the hell is Darce and where the hell are you? This was probably Tartaros' guild or wherever this was.

You felt something important missing then it hit you.

"WHERES JOY?" You cry out. She's not much of a fighter despite her powers all she wants is to make cute clothing.

"Oh that cat thing? She's fine, she's with the pink haired one and the short white haired girl." Franmalth rolled his eyes.

You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding. Thank god she was with Natsu and Lisanna.

A rattling and the sound of doors opening grabs you from out your thoughts and faces you forward. A muscular man with dark green hair and one red eyes another blue enters the room. He had baggy black pants and he had a long open chest jacket with a belt on around his waist, his guild mark rested on his neck in a maroon color.

"Dacre you daring hunk we found the one you wanted to play with eheheheheh." Lamy does her regular wheezing esc noise.

"Great..." Dacre's deep raspy voice says and his eyes you up and down.

You didn't realize all you were wearing was a simple baggy and rattled old shirt, your pants seemed to be discarded and shoes gone. Nothing but your underwear seemed to remain for the bottoms and your once pony tail holding your (H/C) hair was now let down and waving in your face.

"What are going to do to me?" You ask scared of the answer.

"We're gonna have some torturous fun..(Y/N) (L/N) of Fairy Tail..."

Water's Light Book 2 (Sting x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now