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3 days later....

You sit on the ledge of the window pane looking at the night sky. The window was open and a breeze flew through your hair.

You stare down at your blue Sabertooth guild mark on your left thigh. Your fairy tail guild mark was still on your right side of your waist in your favorite color.

After the news broke to you about Fairy Tail you cried for the rest of the day. It seems like all the Fairy Tail members lost all contact with each other so it was just you and Joy. You ended up deciding to join Sabertooth which made the most sense. You were grateful they welcomed you with such open arms but nothing would beat being in Fairy Tail. You almost want to start crying again just thinking about it.

Yesterday you went to go with Joy to Porlyusica about her and she gave you some shocking news about you! You were about 5 months pregnant and she was surprised you weren't even showing or showing signs! Must be dragon slayer's luck..

So many things were happening at once that it was just getting overwhelming. Luckily during the battle the baby wasn't harmed but you still have to tell Sting...

A tear rolls down your face with all of the emotions roaming through your head. Sting begins to rustle in the bed. He wakes up and notices you.

"Hey (Y/N) what are you still doing up?" He asks rubbing his eyes.  You don't respond.

He makes his way towards you and sits next to you. "Go ahead spill..." he simply says.

You turn to face him. "I'm pregnant Sting...and I don't even-"

He stops you by placing his lips on yours kissing you slowly. His kiss melts your heart and calms you down.

"You didn't think I know that? I still can't believe you didn't even notice." He chuckles.

You whack his shoulder, "and you didn't even tell me?!" You glare at him playfully.

"Nope..why did you think I said I wanted to be with you forever?" He smirks.

I guess that really was a proposal. Your face drops and you look away. "(Y/N) what's wrong?" He turns your face towards him.

You close your eyes and take a deep breath. "Sting I don't even know if I want to get married...yet! I mean I would love to get married with you, but we've only just started dating not that long ago and you know...." you lose your thought.

The room is silent and stiff, the air could be cut with a knife. "I understand...but don't think I won't try again." He smiles and kisses your cheek.

You look down at your belly and begin to rub it, "I'm really going to be a mom..."

"And me a dad..." Sting puts his hand on your small belly and takes your hand in his.

"We should go back to bed now, we have a lot of Jobs to do tomorrow and share the news." Sting grabs your hand and drags your back to bed. You wrap your body around Stings and he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Sting..." you quietly say.

"Yes (Y/N)?"

"You promise you'll wait for my answer no matter how long it takes?"

"I promise..I love you."

"I love you too Sting."


Yes so you are pregnant and if your wondering how. Welllllllll remember the last chapter of the first book? Yep that's how :)

Water's Light Book 2 (Sting x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now