Lone Survivor- Leon Kuwata

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A/N- As much as I love Leon this one has been the hardest so far to write. He just...doesn't have a lot to his character that I can work with here. Sorry this one is absolute garbage lmao

"Well that was disappointing. I was hoping it would last longer than this..."

Monokuma tapped his food absentmindedly, as if there wasn't an obscene amount of blood and carnage behind him. Leon sat on his knees, transfixed and unable to move. He had just watched all of the people he was stuck here with be killed one by one. Their bodies littered the floor, cold and unmoving. Leon tried his best not to puke but failed, coughing and sputtering onto the floor.

"What's your issue ball boy? Isn't this what you wanted? Why you killed the pop princess in the first place? You knew this was coming-so get over it!" 

And Monokuma was right. Leon knew what he was getting into. His escape meant their deaths...but he didn't want this. He never anticipated what the deaths of 12 people would be like, how it would affect him...He was naive. He thought that escape would be worth it, ensuring Kanon's safety would be worth it...but he couldn't move, he couldn't think. He just sat there, numb, until he was shaken back into reality. By a group of well dressed adults in suits, claiming to be a part of the "Future Foundation".


After being escorted (well carried would be a more accurate word) out of Hope's Peak that day, Leon had kind of just been floating from day to day. Nothing felt right anymore. The world was in shambles around him because of the tragedy and his mental state wasn't much better. How could he have done something so horrible? He had played right into Junko's game and ended the lives of people who he eventually learned were at one point his classmates. His friends. He couldn't remember how many nights he spent sobbing over a particular picture of him, Mondo and Chihiro that had been given to him. 

The only positive thing that had happened was being reunited with Kanon, who tried her best at every opportunity to cheer her cousin up. But nothing seemed to work. She had never seen him like this- usually he was so full of life, so loud and obnoxious. To see him like this, ghostly pale and devoid of life or energy...it broke her heart. So she made it her personal mission to get through to him. 

She started with baseball, of course. He may have pretended to be done with it, but deep down he always held a love for the sport. But as soon as she pitched a baseball to him, he flinched away and started rambling on about something she couldn't make out, although she thought she heard the word "crystal" in there somewhere. 

So that plan was a bust. 

So she moved onto her next plan, to get Leon more involved in music. It was what he wanted to pursue instead of baseball, and she thought maybe it would be a good way for him to express his emotions. So she eventually acquired a guitar for him along with a book of simple sheet music for him to begin with. He was no Ibuki Mioda yet, after all. She gave the guitar to him the next time he saw him, and she swore he perked up a bit. 

Over time, he took more and more to his music. Much to the dismay of his neighbours, he had taken up and interest in singing as well as guitar. He wrote down any and all emotions that came to him- things he couldn't say to others seemed to come out perfectly in song. He had a notebook filled with random lyrics and ideas, all of which he tried to compile into one coherent track in memorial of his classmates. He didn't quite get there, but it still felt good to vent it all out. 

Slowly he began to heal, through music and with the support of Kanon. Eventually, despite his pride, he also began seeing a therapist appointed to him by the future foundation. He found that actually talking  really helped, which was surprising only to him. What he didn't know was that higher ups of the foundation were monitoring his sessions, as they had an interest in him joining. They believed the only survivor of Junko Enoshima's killing game would be interesting to have on board.

Despite their offers, Leon had to deny. He didn't feel like he deserved to be part of the group trying to fix the world, didn't deserve to be the type of person that society looked up to with hopeful eyes. He just wanted to make it to the next day, every day. To not cause any more pain or suffering in the world...he just wanted to live a neutral, uneventful life, to balance out all that had happened. 

As the years went by, he spent his days playing music for the people around him. Performing on the street, in venues, at hope rallies. And annually, he played at the memorial service for the 78th class of Hope's Peak. 

He ended up finishing their song, and it moved the crowd to tears every year. 

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