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We were too much alike

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We were too much alike.

Almost completely the same. Only difference was that even though my heart was broken, I'd convinced myself with time I could mend mine. His eyes told me he's given up a long time ago.

He didn't sleep, because whatever haunted him, he saw when he closed his eyes. He needed someone.

Something told me it was me.

After his revelation about his lack of sleep, things got quiet. Him probably thinking about why he'd shared such information with me. Me thinking of what could've happened to him, to make the only thing that causes peace bring him sorrow.

"You know we don't have to stay out here all night" He started " we can go in and kick it with my homies and shit, they cool people."

I looked to him, snapping out of my thoughts, and running a hand through my hair. "I was waiting on my friend, but I'm starting to think she's not coming."

"You know what that means then?"

I squinted my eyes " what?"

" you're comin wit me." He stood to his feet nodding towards the door and I brushed my pants off as I followed him back into Marty's. Where his friends were laughing hysterically , and Cassie was siting entirely too close to Cato trying so hard to poke her chest out that I'm sure she'd break her spine.

Cato looked over to us. Letting that grin light up his face that in this short time I was starting to love.

"Damn Saint, you trying to take my girl already?"

    Saint scrunched up his face waving him off "chill bruh, it ain't even like that. This is Kalia, kalia this is ye, Cato, and Rael" he said taking a seat opposite of the pretty chocolate girl. Who was giving me the evil eye. Cato followed my eyes to her and bust out laughing

"Yeen gotta be scared Kalia, Rael pit bull looking ass looks at everyone like that You can sit down she's ain't gone bite"  he assured me

"Not yet" she replied.

I still felt uneasy, as I looked at the already full booth noticing there was nowhere for me to sit.

"Don't just stare at us Kalia, pull up a chair or something" of course it was Cassie talking, all of a sudden her white valley girl voice was laced with attitude and fought the urge to roll my eyes. She was fake.

  "Snowflake you ain't even supposed to be in the booth, ain't nobody invite you to the cookout"

  In one swift move Cato bumped her right off the booth and into the floor, Dusting off her spot and motioning for me to sit down as I tried to fight laughter.

"Got you a spot right here, even warmed it for you."

This time I laughed, taking a seat and watching as Cassie stomped away cursing under her breath and her valley voice slipped.

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