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I hate rich niggas

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I hate rich niggas.

Northridge High was full of em. Spoon fed, Daddy owns the city niggas who didn't know how to work for shit.

People who looked down their nose at you for how you dress, ya slang, and what you came from didn't impress me. If anything they enraged me because in the valley shit like that got you popped. There it got you praised and popular.

All the snobby people lived in Northridge and Riverchase. That was their territory, prim and proper, estates, and picket fences. 'cross the tracks, a' lil pass the swap meet and the cemetery was mine.

I wasn't gone fit in. Nah not one bit

"Teo! Come on,your gonna be late!" Moms voice thundered from the living area.

Glancing at the window, I'd contemplated jumping and taking a run for it, but decided against it. Shit was way too high. Grabbing my book bag from the computer chair I swung it on my back.

I wasn't getting out of this shit.

Mama smiled at me as I walked in the kitchen like less than thirty minutes ago she didn't just deliver the worse fucking news. She had breakfast ready and Cato sat at the table with his mouth stuffed. Wasn't no secret that moms could put it down in the kitchen.

We slapped hands as I plopped in the chair. I wasn't that hungry, and decided on a cup of OJ instead.

     This shit had blown me.

"Mama C why you forcing my boy to go to that boujee school. Bro straight at SouthHigh, you know me an ye ain't gone let nun happen to him." Cato was trying. He was more upset than me hearing the news. Ye didn't know yet and I was sure he'd be just as pissed.

     I'd already missed a year of school with them. They'd be going to senior year, and it would've at least been cool to be at school with them.

But she'd made her mind up.

      This morning when she woke me up, I'd been cool not bummed to go to school or excited either. It was school, aggravating ass teachers, and students all separated into their own cliques.  I'd figured returning to $outhside high wasn't that bad. I'd be there with Cato, Rael and ye kicking shit like old times.

Everything was cool....

Until she pulled out the Northridge bullshit.
Had even gotten me a little bag with their initials, explaining that it was the 'safer option', and how Cece has someone there to look out for me. The look on her face told me not to argue. So fuck it I didn't. I decided I'd do it, not for my own satisfaction but for hers.

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