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They are safe

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They are safe.

They're okay.

Is what I tried to convince myself as I drove aimlessly through the streets searching for them.  2 kids Wandering through the street at this time of night couldn't have dissapeared that quick. They'd slipped through my fingers. I'd turn my back for a moment and they were gone.

How could I have been so stupid

I'd should've made sure they were safe

      There were babies out there  —possibly with no where to go, walking the streets at nearly 12 o'clock at night. It was dangerous out here, and they deserved more. To be safe and warm, fed.
I couldn't help but think It was my fault, and that I should've made sure they were settled in my car or in my sight before I left them alone. I'd never forgive myself is something happened to them.

Each turn down an alleyway or dark backroad only led to the darkness of the night. Nothing to be seen. No kids to be found. I could feel the pain in my heart. Not only for myself but for Everett and his sister.

My sweet Everett

The sweetest baby Ive ever known. Filled with joy, big bright eyes, and a smile that could make your heart smile on the gloomiest day. He'd been one of the greatest joys in teaching my class. His smiles, and eagerness to learn made it worth all the while. I'd never forgive myself if I'd been the reason to cause that smile to never be seen again.

    I'd ridden the majority of my gas out, and Northridge had showed no signs of the kids. I'd found myself on the outskirts of the city, and Once my car rolled to a stop at the tracks that divided the city. I could automatically spot the differences.

I was sitting where the lands divided. Where the war was being fought. Where everyone was left to fend for themselves. The place my mother had talked down upon her whole life. The land of the true soldiers. And for the first time in my life I'd never been so unsure of what I'd been doing.

I knew nothing of the place that was before me. Only word of mouth. Only tales. Gruesome tales, but nothing for certain. I hadn't seen if for my own eyes.
My mother had forbidden me. Terry would've told me to stay away. But my heart always had clouded my mind, and nothing could stop my car from crossing those tracks.

I'd never been this way, but the further I drove the more I could see the poorly maintained building and public parks. The city littered in streetlights, illuminating the Spray painted buildings and shoes thrown over power lines. Even at nearly twelve in the morning there were people outside like the sun was out.

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