Lets talk

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Y'all miss me?

I'm going through reading y'all comments and yall are funny as fuck.

I'm in the process of trying to figure out if I want to finish this book then edit it or edit it before it's finished.... Hmmm what do y'all think?

Things that I will eventually change:
1. Saints name, lmaoooo I wrote this when I was very young and I've realized that his name is literally saint saint, Bc Santos means saint, it's gottagogottagogotta goooo when I edit
2: THERE ARE SO MANY RAYS 😭 I was obviously obsessed with that name for some reason, rayan, rael, ray, whewww chile.
3. Some other things, but imma keep that a secret 🤫

In the mean time while I write you guys a new chapter. I have published a book cover request book, that I will also be posting book cover and banner ideas, check it out if you need one.

Anywhoo I want to thank y'all so much for continuing to read this book in my absence I love yalll so muchhhhh. WE HIT 100k reads 😭. I remember writing this thinking no one would like it. And it's very heartwarming to see you guys love it!

Thank you again, until the next chapter 😉


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