Chapter 1 - Day 4

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Never a man to stay in one place, Bucky cringed at the clock on his wrist, ticking by each second noiselessly. Even back with Steve, most of the team in one piece, and his mind reasonably trust worthy, nothing could be worse than this. 3 days. 3 measly days until he would his 'other-half', 'true love', 'betrothed', or more commonly and popularly referred to as 'soulmate'. And damn, was he scared. His metal arm flexed involuntarily beneath his shirt, proving his point to his battling mind even more so. He couldn't handle a soulmate. No, actually, he didn't deserve a soulmate. Someone that loved him, someone that understood him, all of it was only a wistful dream. After everything he had done, after decades of waiting, and thinking something was wrong with his watch, it was only 3 days away. His eyes seemed to water from his lack of blinking, lack of attention to anything other than the countdown that taunted him. The green glow that stood out on his now pale skin, skin once tanned, when he was in his prime. It taunted him, glaring at him with a haunting light that spun his mind in circles. His brain was no better than a washing machine at that moment, thoughts tumbling but not being able to clutch anything but the fear that washed over his body. Blue eyes tired, the whites becoming red, he couldn't tear his gaze away, it didn't seem remotely possible at that moment.

"You're staring Buck, something's wrong," Steve's voice broke his trance, the one that held him captive. Bucky glanced up from his metaphorical cage, his blue eyes meeting Steve's that were overcome with worry waiting for his reaction. The gaze held between the two, and Steve watched as Bucky's eyes clouded over, water threatening to turn to tears.

"I don't think I'm ready for it," He mumbled, rolling his arm to reveal his watch. Steve's eyes widened as he saw the numbers counting down, almost with a vengeance. The air was silent and made Bucky squirm in his spot, his throat dry. Steve was never silent like this, there was always a reason, one that was clear to everyone. But the silence did nothing to quell the fear in Bucky.

"Why would you say that," It was barely a whisper, floating on the stale air of the room. Steve looked at Bucky dead in the eye, as if he could hear his words.

"What, Steve what are you saying?" Bucky asked, stuttering out his response. It couldn't be helped, Steve was so timid and quiet at that moment.

"Why would you say that Bucky, you've waited so long, you get to meet your soulmate," Steve urged on, his hands clasping together in his lap, fiddling incessantly. Bucky's eyes lit up in understanding, of why Steve would be mad. He had met his soulmate, back in the 40's. Now she was gone, and Steve had no one left except Bucky. All he was doing was complaining when really, he should have been excited, shouldn't he?

"I'm sorry, I'm taking this for granted, aren't I?" Bucky asked meekly, only for Steve to shake his. He met Bucky's eye again, and they watched each other for a second. Steve's expression not changing, an urging and compassionate look burning in them.

"No, you have the right be scared, after everything..." Steve trailed off, unsure of how to respond.

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about," Bucky added, turning his head away. He scratched around the stubble on his chin in stress, trying to relax. The stubble too, he forgot about everything that made him unattractive too. He scoffed at himself, thinking he even had a chance with this supposed soulmate.

"I think you're going to be fine, they are your soulmate. But just to make sure, let's get you prepared, we've got a whole two days to do it. So, let's see how it goes," Steve shrugged, standing from his seat and walking off further into the base. Bucky could feel the hair on the back of his neck raise, this could not be good.


"Lesson 1, how to cook for two," Clint declared, holding a spatula high in the air. Bucky bit his lip in worry, the water on the stove already boiling over. When Steve said he was going to help, he did not expect lessons on how to be the perfect man. He meant well, but this was not what Bucky pictures doing with the rest of his day. Natasha had also insisted he tie his hair back for cooking, so now a 'man bun' donned his head.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now