Chapter 6 - Day 2 Part 3

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"Finally, we get to the point I like, the makeover!" Shuri exclaimed, seemingly back from her escapade with Valkyrie. Her hair was in two buns above her hair, finely woven but very stylish, and Bucky had to admit that if anyone was going to be watching over his makeover he was happy it Shuri (At least, based on his experience in Wakanda he was). Valkyrie stood to the side, and smirk on her face as she watched Sharon and Laura quietly discuss what they were going to do. Bucky put and hand in his hair, the grease and tangles overwhelming. Maybe it didn't help that the past days he had forgotten to brush his hair, or look after himself, it made him look stupid in the presence of these powerful women.

"We've decided, you need to get a proper haircut, and no one in here can do that, so we've hired this man," Sharon explained, signalling to the man who stood off to the side, a popular haircut adorning his head and looking like a wet blanket in the presence of the Avengers. Bucky raised an eyebrow, unsure of why all of this even needed to happen. Shuri pushed him in the back, causing him to stumble forward, landing right in front of the hairdresser. He seemed a little unamused, the man holding up a piece of Bucky's hair.

"Did you want to do anything once we washed this?" He asked, disdain clear in his voice when referring to Bucky's hair. Bucky shrugged, completely unsure what he wanted to, his hair was a solid colour and there was no way he was going to dye it. Would he cut it?

"Just a small trim, nothing much," Bucky mumbled. His long hair was a sign of who he was now, he wasn't a 40s boy that had short hair and flirted with all the girls. He was a man with a full past, a book full of experiences, and his hair showed that. So, no, he wasn't going to be getting rid of it anytime soon.


His hair was now washed and fresh, the stylist completely finished with his light trim. He looked, great if he was being honest with himself. His blue eyes looked into the mirror that Laura had set up, and his hair was luscious and soft, a slight wave in it. It was a little feminine, but he embraced it, liking the feeling of having great hair. His freshly shaven stubble also added to the whole look. He looked good, he was... attractive. He let the thought sink in, something he hadn't thought in forever. It was wonderful, and slowly, moment by moment during this whole thing, he felt himself becoming a better person. He didn't need to be his old self, he just needed to who he was now, and not much was going to stop him.

"You look fantastic, so that's us done," Sharon complimented, although it wasn't full-hearted. Bucky knew that Sharon wasn't his biggest fan, but she had still come today, despite everything.

"Sharon," Bucky called out, louder than he usually spoke, this time sure of himself. She stopped in her actions, sending him a questioning gaze.

"Thank you, I really appreciate what you've done," His voice was genuine, hoping his eyes also showed the appreciation he felt and voiced. Sharon's features seemed to soften, her blonde hair being tucked behind her ear.

"It was no problem, good luck finding your soulmate," Sharon complimented, actually sending him a smile. It was real, and Bucky felt like he had changed, not in a way that he was a different person, just a better one. And that was the change he wanted to see in himself, he was better, not somebody else. He smiled softly, lost in his own thoughts that for once were warm and reassuring compared to cold and insecure, it was a lovely change.

"I wish my hair was as nice as yours, no matter how much I wash it's still greasy. Probably the stress of all the kids," Laura joked, pulling at a strand of Bucky's hair to feel it a little. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to deter any new friends he might have made.

"It seems you're handling it well, haven't heard Clint complain about you or the kids once," Bucky stated simply, shrugging his shoulders. He was sort of at a loss of words and didn't know what to do, Laura wasn't exactly an Avenger, she wasn't a powered individual that could usually defend herself against powerful threats such as Ultron, or Red Skull. But in her own right, maybe she was an Avenger in her own right, the way she was a rock for Clint, the way she was there for her kids.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now