Chapter 2 - Day 3 Part 1

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Bucky woke up early that morning, feeling his whole body want to instinctively wake up in order to start the day. Maybe it was because he was excited to get to the know the team, or maybe the nervous of only 2 days to go had gotten to him. His bed felt empty, a feeling he'd never had before. He glanced at his watch, flicking through numbers each second, confirming where the lonely feeling came from. It's soft green glow disagreed with his morning weariness, and his hand dragged down his face. His stubble had grown out a little since the last time he shaved, but today didn't seem like the day he should shave. He looked towards his window, expecting to see the first rays of morning peeking out, but instead, he was greeted with an inky darkness, a shadow of light threatening to light the day. Throwing his quilt back and trundling out of bed, he threw on the first thing he could find. Still feeling sleep clinging to his conscious, he shuffled out of his room and towards the only savior he knew.

"Morning Bucky," Natasha greeted, sitting in the lounge with a cup of coffee in her hand. The steam rose from the dark liquid, it's strong smell racing to fill each corner of the room. Bucky looked at the cup in her hand longingly. One of the disadvantages of being practically flung into the future was that Bucky had no idea how to make coffee for himself, so seeing Natasha awake was a relief.

"Can you brew some coffee for me?" Bucky asked, rubbing his arm in embarrassment at his lack of skills. Brushing her white hair behind her ears, Natasha stood from her seat and walked past Bucky. He followed obediently after her, like a puppy waiting for its dinner, or in this case, wake-up juice. She placed her mug (Her favorite terrible pun one to be exact) on the marble countertop, before turning to Bucky who had to duck in order to avoid her flying hair.

"Look this fits into the thing Steve wanted us to do, so here's how you make your own coffee," Natasha instructed, reaching up towards the cupboard. She pulled Bucky's favorite cat mug from the cupboard, and Bucky felt his chest warm at this. Natasha had taken the time to learn what his favorite mug was, and was willing to put up with him when she could be doing anything else. The coffee machine seemed to stare Bucky down, intimidating him with its advanced technology.

"Get a pod of coffee you like, place it inside the slot here," Natasha instructed, eyeing Bucky down to make sure he was watching. She placed the pod in the slot, causing Bucky to raise an eyebrow as she finally placed the mug underneath the nozzle on the bottom. She pressed the button on top, the brown liquid spilling and gargling into the mug.

"That simple?" Bucky asked, not fully understanding how he hadn't been able to that before. Natasha nodded before giving him two precise taps on his shoulder, picking up her mug and leaving him to mull by himself in the kitchen.

'Cooking and making coffee, check,' Bucky thought to himself, waiting for his coffee to finish. Once it was finally done, his right hand shot out and grabbed the handle before he made his way into the lounge room, which was still deserted, although that didn't surprise him since it was so early. He found his way to the dining table, sitting by himself as he reminisced the night before. Although it was a cold, and lonely morning, just the thought of everyone eating together and being a family of sorts made his chest warm (Or possibly the coffee did that). Either way, it didn't matter, for his coffee was now gone, and energy seemed to stream through each of muscles, waiting to be used. Placing his mug in the dishwasher with a remembering smirk. Deciding against wasting any more of his already early morning, Bucky left the building, deciding to take a run on his own that morning. Hoping the fresh air would clear his head, his feet carried him across the dewy grass of the Avengers compound. The morning air was soft and cold, with moisture clinging to the air and Bucky's exposed skin, a few drops sliding down his metal arm. Tensing a bit at the feeling, he continued his long run across the grounds, before stopping for a second, to take in his surroundings.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now