Chapter 3 - Day 3 Part 2

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"I don't think we needed to teach him anything," Thor whispered to Steve, who was watching Bucky interact with Loki at a dining sort of setting. He pulled out Loki's chair, offered to 'order' and was polite and well-spoken the entire time. He even pretended to pay for the entire meal, and constantly complimented Loki's appearance (Although Bucky questioned why that factor was even important). In honesty, Bucky was teaching Thor and Loki how to act around Midgardian women, and his 40s values had served him well. While he was awkward like a duck hatchling at first, he soon settled in and was smooth and suave, almost being more charming than Loki. However, his nervousness wouldn't shake, and no one could truly decide what the cause was. Whether it was his lack of self-confidence or nerves surrounding the time left for him, it was hard to tell what the bigger factor was.

"I can see that. However, this nervous energy he has, he's not shaking it. Maybe you should all go out and apply this to real-world situations," Steve suggested, although he was also rather hesitant. Steve knew Bucky well, but now he wasn't so sure. The idea of letting Bucky out into the world, still fresh from everything that had happened scared Steve. He shook his head at himself, soon it wouldn't matter. Bucky would have someone else to look after him, and if all went well, Bucky would have someone to watch over as well.

"Steven, you know he's going to do well, don't you?" Thor asked, giving a questioning look to Steve. Steve felt his shoulders drop, and he lost all his confidence at that moment.

"I just, I just worry about him. He's been through so much and I want to make sure he's happy," Steve spoke softly, watching Bucky as he continued to roleplay the scenario with Loki. And he admitted to himself, Bucky was doing fine, maybe even was better than Steve's own standard of how to treat women. Thor slung his arm around Steve, bring them closer together.

"Don't tell anyone else, but I think he is more of a man than half the Asgardian warriors," Thor whispered, causing a grin to crack across both of their faces. Maybe everything was going to be fine.


This was anything but fine. Bucky was now trapped, outside the compound with only Thor and Loki for company as they entered the streets of New York, looking for a suitable coffee shop for their lesson. Bucky could feel tension enter his muscles, telling him this was a horrible idea. It felt wrong, going a flirting with girls still to meet their soulmates, especially since Bucky was a mere two days away from meeting his own. But Thor had insisted, and Steve had backed him up, so now Bucky was trapped in the mid-afternoon sun with two gods, one drawing attention and another disguised as to hide.

"I think I've learned everything, we can go back to the compound now," Bucky tried quietly to Loki, hoping desperately to escape the situation. The disguised Loki only smirked in reply, his ash blonde hair falling into his eyes.

"No chance, if I'm trapped out here, you are too," He replied with a cheeky grin. Bucky couldn't decide what would be worse, walking out in public on his own, or being forced into this crazed learning exercise with two gods who hardly knew how to keep a low profile. Finally, the trio stopped in front of a quaint café, one that wasn't full of very young people with beards. Feeling a slap on his shoulder, Bucky realized Thor was leading them inside the building, and worry seemed to overtake his chest like swirly ocean waves in a storm. The inside of the café was busier than it appeared outside, with a baby pink colour overtaking each wall with gold leafing adorning each surface it could claw its way onto. It felt dainty, girly at the very least. But it seemed that had been the plan of the two gods, as they split off without a word, Loki dragging Bucky to a table in the corner, hidden from the sight of prying eyes. Bucky looked at the decor, it all felt a little superficial, with a small flower pot with nothing but plastic working as the table's centerpiece. Bucky tried to take in everything around him, from the people to the menu that he supposed Thor was ordering from at that moment. Contrary to his first thought, the café was populated with men, women and the like, however, most people seemed to be a part of a couple. The fear from before settled itself in Bucky's stomach once more. Was his soulmate going to drag him to places like this? Would they be embarrassed to be seen with him? Before the bile could rise any further in his throat, he felt a knock on his shoulder from Loki, making him turned towards the disguised man.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now