Chapter 11 - Day 2 Pt 1

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Falling out of her bed, (Y/N) groaned out in pain, her side already sore in the early hours of the morning after being shoved from her warm resting place. Blinking open her eyes slowly, she watched the dust float around the room, illuminated in the pale, stupidly early morning light. Who in their right mind would wake her this early? Especially before she had work. Surely, they had to be an idiot, she thought to herself, surely, they were a no good, horrible, bully-

"Get up sleepy head, you owe me a morning run after you forgot me at the coffee shop yesterday," Ororo commented, not caring to whisper for (Y/N)'s fragile early morning mind. Oh, the coffee shop. OH! THE COFFEE SHOP! (Y/N) sprang up from her position on the floor, stumbling a bit as she slammed back into the side of her bed, groaning out as she laid on the warm blankets once again. Massaging her now sore leg, she sat up to face Ororo, her best friend who she accidentally stood up.

"I am so sorry... I got called into some Avengers meeting last minute, and my mind was a complete mess, and I completely forgot and it was-" She was cut off by Ororo's chuckle, causing (Y/N) to raise her (h/c) eyebrow in response. The audacity of this woman.

"You're an idiot if you think I'd be upset at my best friend doing her job, and anyways I met a pretty nice guy at the coffee shop because you weren't there," Ororo smiled warmly at the memory, the type of smile when you think of a significant heart to heart conversation. (Y/N) went to brush off Ororo's earlier comments of exercise, opening her mouth in an attempt to change the topic before she was cut off once again.

"No (Y/N), you're not getting out of this run," Ororo commented, throwing her a pair of plain black leggings. With a grumble and little care for Ororo's presence, (Y/N) pulled her exercise clothing on, running a brush quickly through her hair, having little care for her appearance at this dreadfully early hour. Once she was done, a tug of her hand pulled her out of the mansion, and onto the path that ran around the grounds. She could spot a few other students already running this morning, the newest X-men trainees in particular running in a group. She smiled at their dynamic, a couple boys trying to shove each other over with a laugh while the two girls pulled ahead, leaving their counterparts in the dust. She remembered when she was like that, although she had previously stayed behind the group, trying to keep a good pace without drawing attention to herself. While she hadn't fully accomplished this idea of 'self-love' that many of the students talked about, she was certainly in a much better place than she had been previously. So much so that even now she was sometimes approached by student needing advice, needing someone to talk to. It was nice knowing that in a way, she wasn't alone.

"C'mon, two laps around the place at the very least, and keep up the pace," Ororo demanded, her quick jogging pace already causing her to pull ahead on the cobbled path. (Y/N) huffed at this, already feeling the dew from the morning clinging to her skin, threatening to make her sweat worse if she was to actually start running. Puffing quietly to herself, the usually bubbly girl, who at the moment was dreading stretching her legs in any way, shape or form, let forth a burst of energy, and rushed after her white-haired friend. She could feel her body start to tense slightly, the early exercise already draining the small amount of energy she had from waking up at an ungodly hour. She thanked whoever was responsible for the weather (probably Ororo) being cool, with the humidity hardly being a bother for once. Finally catching up to her friend, (Y/N) felt her breathing even out, her shared pace with Ororo becoming bearable. The two women let out puffs of air as they jogged around, trying their hardest to keep it level and not become overwhelmed.

"So, tell me about this guy you met yesterday at the coffee shop," (Y/N) teased, hoping that the conversation would distract her from the burning of her thighs. Ororo only chuckled in response, and from the corner of her eye (Y/N) saw her smile just slightly.

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