Chapter 10 - Day 3 Part 2

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"So, any at-risk mutants and enhanced individuals under 18 will be placed in your care Mr. Xavier, while mutants over this age who attack, or harm civilians will be placed on under SHIELD examination until a decision can be reached. If you fail to rehabilitate the minors into your controlled school environment, we'll have to take them into custody," Tony Stark announced, tapping his papers lightly against the smooth, black glass table. The room was a little tense, with the X-men on one side and Avengers on the other. Tony Stark most notably sat in the middle on the opposite side of Charles, looking like the person (Y/N) had always seen on tv. Next to him sat multiple people, (Y/N) recognised Captain Marvel and Bruce Banner, along with Hawkeye who stood towards the back of the room. With them, sat the current head of SHIELD, Quake she called herself. On her side of the table sat Charles, Hank, Rogue and of course her father. It was quite a formal event considering the way she usually interacted with people, especially compared to how she talked to students.

"Yes, we'll trial this method we've agreed on for the next two months. I'm pleased we've come to an agreement without many troubles," Charles nodded softly, giving all the members of the meeting a warm smile.

"Yeah, we're just lucky kitty there didn't cause us anymore trouble," Tony huffed, tapping his papers on the desk as casually as he could. (Y/N) felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, it was obvious who he was talking about, her father wasn't the most favourable mutant in the public's eye and Tony Stark was clearly taking a jab at him. She placed her (s/c) hand softly on his own hairy one, feeling the beginnings of his claw poke through and cut her fingers. She hissed quietly in reply, pulling away to inspect the damage. Logan sat straight, rigidness taking over his form as the adamantium retracted back into his hands.

"Mr Stark, no disrespect but learn how to hold your tongue," Quake instructed, her hair swishing as she shook her head in disapproval. (Y/N) watched as the scarlet liquid fell down her finger, slowly creating a trail down her smooth skin.

"I think we should head our separate ways for today, we'll schedule a follow-up for further issues tomorrow," Bruce announced to the group, each member nodding earnestly before standing and heading their own ways. (Y/N) walked out quietly, her steps lightly gracing the ground beneath her as she made her way outside of the building, her brain calling for fresh air. Pushing the glass doors open quietly, she carefully tried not to get her blood everywhere. She looked up earnestly at the sky, before letting out a sigh at seeing the greyness consuming the usual brightness. How was she meant to help herself like this? Her (e/c) scanned the horizon, looking for any inkling of sunlight to slip through their fluffy prison. As if the world had heard her thoughts, a little ahead of her the clouds opened for a second, with sunlight drifting through. Holding her cut finger out, blood still clinging to any skin it could, the sunlight bent and moved downwards, as if being sucked down. The beam moved from reflecting straight down in the midday sun, to instead shining on (Y/N)'s finger. Her finger sparkled softly as she absorbed the sunlight, her cut sealing seamlessly, her skin softer, firm and clear. Letting out a soft smile, the sun beam moved once again to its proper position, the clouds overtaking its warmth. She closed her eyes, taking in the moment as she breathed softly. There wasn't much nature around her in the sprawling cityscape, but just being able to smell fresh air was enough to calm her down. Would her soulmate enjoy nature all? Would they even be accepting of her mutation? She hadn't even considered it until this point, but what if they were anti-mutant, against everything she was. Her mind suddenly clouded with doubt. What if they were much younger than her? Or the same age and was put off by her young appearance and attitude? Could she even be herself around them?

(Y/N) was snapped from her thoughts at the sound of a pocket lighter along with a rough inhale, causing her (e/c) eyes to open once more, taking in her surroundings.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now