Chapter 13 - Day 2 Pt 3

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(A/N) Gambit and Rogue don't exist in any cinematic universe together, so I used this cute picture. All credit goes to Mazzie May, who can be found officially here (Big thanks to Wattpad for not letting me hyperlink a website):

Pushing the door open to the mansion, (Y/N) could feel the exhaustion washing over her. Running a hand to try and untangle her now knotty (h/c) hair, she released a sigh before looking down at her wrist for what must have been the gazillionth time that day. Its green glow was dim in the entrance light, but the numbers that were now under 14 hours were staring back at her, holding her back from meeting her other half. She felt her heart flutter softly in her chest, both nervous and excited for the events to come. Her dad had watched tons of Romcoms with her once they were finally together as a family, and while he may not have enjoyed it, (Y/N) always felt drawn to the characters. The idea of being there for someone and have them be there in return was just so appealing she could hardly vocalize it. Maybe it was a result of her childhood longing, while Charles and the other mutants had raised her, she always hoped for this strong figure to lean on. Maybe that manifested in her infatuation with her soulmate before she even met them, whether that was wonder, curiosity or love she didn't know.

Shaking her head to try and disperse her thoughts, she trudged along the wooden floors towards the dining room, her feet dragging and scuffing her once pristine shoes. All this time focusing on herself, she finally felt her heart reach out towards her soulmate, as if saying 'I'll be with you soon'. It was while she was trudging down the long hallway that she finally took a moment to consider her soulmate. Would they be buff and tough like her father? Or slim and awkward like nightcrawler? Maybe even wise like Charles. Would they be her age, hopefully not otherwise it'd look like a 28-year-old walking around with an over 50-year-old. These thoughts swelled in her mind, flooding over her consciousness like an early morning tide. All these thoughts however were cleared from her mind when she entered the dining room, each and every X-man sitting along the large oak table with a roast dinner laid out in front of them all. Smiles of varying sass, genuineness and excitement graced each of their individual faces.

"Uhh... what are you guys doing?" (Y/N) asked cautiously, her steps calculated as she rounded the table to her regular seat between Rogue and her father.

"We're celebrating the day our favourite X-man meets her soulmate of course, why else would everyone gather here?" Charles asked, his eyes sparkling with a youthful mirth. (Y/N) sat down carefully in her chair, only to be engulfed in a hug from Rogue as Logan ruffled her hair. Rogue seemingly refused to let go, her hug so tight and desperate that (Y/N) could feel the breath leave her lungs. Patting Rogue's back in acknowledge, she let out an airy 'can't breathe,' before she was finally released.

"Now that our guest of honour has arrived, everyone can start eating," Storm encouraged, a huge grin across her face as she looked towards her best friend. (Y/N) felt her chest become lighter, a giddy feeling overtaking her body as she looked around at the various X-men. Some had already stuffed their faces with the roasted vegetables, others fighting over the gravy to put on their meat, and some quietly sat saying grace before finally looking up at the bounty of food before them. This was all for her, she reminded herself while she pushed her father's arm out of the way of the meat. This was a celebration of her finding her soulmate, a celebration of their 'favourite X-man'. How utterly insane it felt to be valued this much, especially when she often felt too childish or naïve to be accepted by anyone else. Watching all her friends and family eating together, laughing or binging themselves on food however, she no longer felt as at home as she used to. Don't be mistaken, she still felt that nostalgic warmth in her chest that all do when surrounded by those they hold dear, but this time something felt missing. As much as Rogue was beside her, she felt like that wasn't the right person, like that wasn't who should truly be on that side. It felt as if her own soul was reaching out, trying to grasp onto someone else's and place them at this table with her. Her whole family would be there then, all of them together.

Days Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader - Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now